Thursday, January 30, 2014

Daily Inspirational Messages

How do you stay inspired? I like reading books, listening to inspiring people or music, meditating, taking classes, and getting daily messages through email. I signed up for several different daily inspirational email messages. One of them is from Humanity's Team.  The message for Monday was so wonderful I wanted to share.

Monday, January 27th, 2014

~ Ted Murray

How does it feel to continue to try to hide your true spiritual nature? When your beliefs are too far ahead of its time it is easy to be ridiculed or allow yourself to feel like you don’t fit in. Remember that everyone in history who broke ground with new theories or discoveries were at first thought to be crazy. Those who are on the leading edge of knowledge breakthroughs are usually both feared and ridiculed by the masses who are still locked into the old paradigms and customs.

The tide is already shifting and the energy of the planet is ready to recognize new paradigms. Haven’t you found it much easier to be open with your deepest knowing with more and more people? Don’t you find that many people are eager to have the opportunity to share their inner thoughts that they might also have been hiding? Realize that not only is the shift taking place, but people are beginning to recognize the absolute necessity of change. When you speak your truth about love, compassion, cooperation, and oneness people will resonate with it and it will empower them to begin to explore their own beliefs on a more profound level. Why not give people the gift of your awakened heart and help the transformation take place quickly and smoothly? 

Click here to sign up to receive these daily inspirational messages for free.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Energy Experiments

I just finished reading the book E2 by Pam Grout, a NY Times best seller. The book has nine do-it-yourself energy experiments that prove your thoughts create your reality. (Yes, that's right -- prove.) It's a great book with profound wisdom and it's funny. Pam has a great sense of humor. She mentioned a lot of my favorite people in there too. I really enjoyed reading it and couldn't put it down. These experiments can be done with no money and very little time. One of my favorite experiments is with the "Einstein rods". You'll have to read the book to find out what that is!  :)

Rather than take it on faith, the book invites you to prove the following principles:

  • There is an invisible energy force or field of infinite possibilities.
  • You impact the field and draw from it according to your beliefs and expectations.
  • Your connection to the field provides accurate and unlimited guidance.
  • The universe is limitless, abundant, and strangely accommodating.                                                                                                                                                                                             
  If you've seen the movie (or read the book) The Secret (which is really good, but they left the secret out!), this book is along the same lines but much better as Pam gives specifics, examples and practical experiments to show you what the movie The Secret conveyed in a more subtle way. I loved it!

"Harnessing the power of your mind can be more effective than the drugs you have been programmed to believe that you need." -- Bruce Lipton, PhD., Cell Biologist

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Legendary Dr. Maya Angelou

I am so excited! I got a ticket to see Dr. Maya Angelou. She's coming to speak at Unity Houston  in March. She is one of the most renowned and influential voices of our time. Hailed as a global renaissance woman, she is a celebrated poet, memoirist, novelist, educator, dramatist, producer, actress, historian, filmmaker, and civil rights activist. She will be talking about her upbringing in life, the importance of having courage and the importance of literacy. What an inspiration!

Here is a video clip when she was on Oprah. It affects me deeply each time I watch it. Being an empath, I can feel the love and gratitude she is feeling as she speaks and I cry every time no matter how many times I see it. She's so inspiring.

Tickets just recently went on sale to the public. The VIP tickets were already sold out and I'm sure they will sell out of general admission too. To get a ticket, click here.

3/19/14 Update: I'm sorry to say Dr. Angelou had to cancel her appearance due to an illness. She's sorry she couldn't make it but was instructed not to travel. Maybe we can see her another time.

5/30/14 Update: I'm sorry to say that Maya Angelou made her transition on May 28, 2014. Though I didn't get a chance to see her in person, I will cherish this particular video clip that touched me so deeply. Thanks for all you gave to us Maya!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Oneness (Part 2 of 2)

As I mentioned in part one, Oneness Blessings are different than Oneness Meditations. Just like the meditations, the Blessings are also a direct transfer of sacred intelligent Divine energy that initiates the process of a person's spiritual awakening. It affects a neurological shift in the brain, causes the heart to open, quiets the chatter of the mind, catalyzing the awakening of the kundalini and the balancing of the chakras. It is a benediction, a gift from the Divine, which is necessary to complete an awakening into Oneness. It opens the door to higher states of consciousness.  It is one way that the Divine reaches out to humankind, to assist in the current evolutionary process. It will generally start with a meditation to create a sacred space and increase the energy. This will be followed by blessings.

The Oneness Blessing (sometimes referred to as Deeksha) can be transferred by those who have received the initiation, training and transmission through a special process offered in conjunction with the Oneness University and its co-founders, Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma or by taking the Oneness Awakening Course which is offered at Unity of Houston.

Experienced practitioners, referred to as Oneness Blessing Givers, transfer the divine intelligent energy by serving as a clear empty vessel for the energy to flow to the recipient. This is done by placing his or her hands onto the crown of the head, a practice referred to in scripture, usually for one or two minutes.

Again, just like with the meditations, each person's experience is unique. Some people may have strong experiences, others may have subtle or even delayed for a few days. A person may experience tingling or a blissful energy flowing through the body or maybe nothing at all. Whatever the experience, the recipient can trust that the process of Oneness has begun, designed by Divine Grace, to lead the individual gradually into their own Awakening. The effects are cumulative and can enhance physical healing, promote inner peace, well-being, and feelings of joy and Oneness.

Oneness Blessings are currently being given every day, all over the world; people of all nationalities, religions, and spiritual beliefs. It is a non-denominational benediction that is a gift for all. It is offered a few times a week at Unity Houston, where I go -- including right after the services. It only takes a couple of minutes. I have been receiving these blessings in addition to doing the meditations. I believe the accumulation of both are what led to my experiences as I described in part one.

I also know that ministers, as well as other leaders and millions all over the world are currently receiving the Oneness Blessing and reporting on the effects of this powerful stream of awakening energy. It can harm no one. It's impacting millions. Each individual must decide for themselves.

Our planet and all of humanity are going through a major, spiritual, evolutionary transformation. It's an amazing time right now. Barbara Marx Hubbard calls it a birthing of a new humanity. It's impacting our environment, social structures, and our individual and collective consciousness. It's obvious that the polarizing energies that divide and separate are significant. The Oneness Blessing and its energies seem to have risen to the surface at this time to counterbalance and overcome these energies in the interest of healing through Oneness. Won't you enter the process that can awaken and heal you as well as the world?

For more information or to find where you can receive Oneness Blessings in your area:
Oneness University
Oneness USA  (lists where available in your area)
Oneness Houston

Oneness (Part 1 of 2)

"Oneness is not a one-stop destination; but a never ending unfoldment." - Sri Amma Bhagavan

Sometime in early 2012 I began going to Oneness Meditations that had just begun being offered at Unity Church, where I have been going for around thirty years. I have meditated on my own on and off over the years and there have been periods of time where I would go without meditating. I would get caught up in the busy, every day physical life for awhile until I came back around to getting in touch with my inner self and start meditating regularly again. The last couple of years I began to crave that time alone, going deep within. I was meditating more often but sometimes finding quiet time alone was challenging (running a home based business with eight pets under foot), so when the opportunity arose to experience these Oneness Meditations, which were being held in my favorite place at Unity Church -- the pyramid, I was excited.

What is this Oneness Meditation (OM) all about? It's a phenomenon that is here on our planet to help humanity awaken and flower in consciousness. It helps and empowers you along your spiritual path. It's about utilizing divine consciousness. Flowing through the eyes of the Oneness Meditator, OM creates a neurobiological shift that naturally accelerates the Awakening process. What is a neurobiological shift? The Oneness experience balances energy from (overactive) thinking centers of the brain to the (under active) frontal lobe calming centers. This ‘re wiring’ of the brain enables the senses to become free from the interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind’s interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying feelings of joy, inner peace, connection and Oneness.

The Oneness University in India began offering this new program called Oneness Meditation, which is a powerful, direct transfer of Divine energies. It began in the East around the 1980's or 90's and moved West around the year 2000 (approx.).This special, sacred blessing stems from ancient times when students studied with masters for years and years in order to receive such a transmission for higher states of awareness, for Awakening.  There are over 4,000 Oneness Trainers worldwide, and only 51 have been initiated to offer the OM. Rev. Howard Caesar at Unity Church in Houston is one of the 51.

There are three very powerful intentions that naturally occur in this Oneness Meditation transmission: One is it strengthens your bond, your relationship with your Divine, Spirit, God, however you relate to that. Second is that it brings freedom from your chattering mind. (Yay!) The third one occurs naturally when you strengthen your bond with your Divine and when the mind chatter quiets. The Authentic You begins to shine and You become present in the moment and experience the fullness of Life as it truly is. 

The OM giver may be giddy as waves of blissful Divine energies stream through his or her eyes. This is perfectly natural for anyone deeply absorbed in this level of Divine consciousness. This blissful state can be quite contagious; many who experience the OM find themselves bursting into laughter or even tears of joy and gratitude. I have experienced three other OM givers besides Rev. Howard Caesar; two monks from the Oneness University in India -- Doug Bentley and Skip Miller and Anette Carlstrom, who all came to Unity Houston. One of the monks was quite giddy. There are some people who experience uncontrollable laughter or crying during the meditation. These expressions are normal and expected when strong energies begin to flow in a room. Some people may have a more subtle experience and some people may not really notice anything right away. For each individual, the experience is unique though many people may experience some of the same effects or types of experiences.

I didn't notice anything right away other than a deep peacefulness. My experience has been more subtle with a few exceptions. It's hard to describe because it is so subtle and from what I understand, it's also accumulative. I started changing and things started happening gradually -- little by little. I started feeling more calm and peaceful. The mind chatter stopped. I felt more present and clear than I've ever felt. I started having spontaneous moments of feeling pure love and joy so profound I couldn't contain it and I would burst into tears. (My eyes well up with tears just talking about it.) I started taking better care of myself. I stopped smoking -- an addiction I had for 35 years. (Whoa!) I started loving myself more, putting myself first (for a change) and taking better care of myself. I became a vegetarian. A feeling of connected-ness replaced any feelings of separateness. I started having flashes of insights about myself and remembering things; experiences I had long forgotten and even bits and pieces from a past life. Experiences I had throughout my life began making sense in a way like never before. I was able to see my life from a broader perspective now. I also began having more psychic experiences (not that everyone will -- but it is possible!). The best thing is that these OMs gave me back to myself and  I started remembering Who I Really Am, which is the greatest gift of all!

I had two separate incidences that I later learned were awakenings. The only reason I learned what they were after the fact was because at one of the OMs when Skip Miller was here, they had a Q & A time and a person in the audience asked what an awakening feels like. Rev. Caesar described what it felt like for him (it can be different for everyone), which was a sudden pop in his head sort-of-thing while he was doing some serious meditating at the Oneness University. Then Skip Miller said he actually has had two different experiences of awakening and he proceeded to describe the same experiences I had to a "T"! 

The first time was one morning when I woke up, I felt really groggy and tired and I had this physical feeling on my head. I noticed it because it was an unusual feeling.  It's hard to describe other than to say it felt like as if I had a tight fitting cap on. It didn't hurt. I just noticed it and wondered what it was about. The second time was even more unforgettable. I was on the phone with my best friend who I remembered (or felt would be a better word-- as I feel everything!) I had a close relationship with in a past life, (more on this later) when I felt this surge of energy run through me and words just starting spilling out of my mouth and while I was speaking I felt something come down the top of my head, down the right side of my face (sort of like as if someone cracked an egg on your head and it was slowly oozing down the side of your face) and it continued down over my right eye, forcing it shut. My eye was fluttering to stay open but it couldn't. I couldn't open my eye for a moment or two while I continued to speak, though I wasn't worried or concerned in any way. After a few moments, my eye was able to open again, the feeling on my head went away and I felt like I was back to myself. Now if this doesn't sound weird enough....then to have someone else -- a monk -- describe the same thing as happening to him (minus the words spilling out)! Whoa. Amazing. With God, all things are possible.

The Oneness Meditation is for everyone. It is secular and given in silence (with beautiful music playing). There is no requirement. It doesn't matter what background or faith or religion (or not). There is nothing for you to do other than receive the blessing. People from all walks of life are experiencing dramatic changes and improvements in their lives.

In listening to a discussion about the Oneness phenomena last year, a Oneness Blessing Giver (see part two) said as of August 2012, 70,000 people around the world were awakened. In 2013 (at the time of this discussion) over 600,000 people were awakened. As of this writing, according to the website, over 1,708,000 people have experienced awakening. Wow. What's really cool is that each individual who awakens to their true, original state has an inter-connected effect on the whole, thus assisting humanity on the path to complete Global Transformation.  The more people attain the Oneness state, the easier it will be for the rest.

Last I heard, Rev. Howard Caesar has the largest Oneness group in the U.S.-- Oneness Houston. You can also see pictures of an OM in progress in the pyramid here.

To find Oneness Meditations in your area click here.

You can also sign up to receive weekly live webcasts of Oneness Meditations, of which sometimes Rev. Caesar will be the giver -- from the comfort of your own home! How cool is that?! It works just as well on a webcast as it does in person. (There is no time or space when it comes to Divine energy.) Click here to sign up and start receiving your blessings. It's free.

You can also receive Oneness Blessings (also known as Deeksha) -- which are different than Oneness Meditations, on the webcasts or in person at a location near you. I'll discuss the Oneness Blessings in part two.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Prayer Before Eating

I am constantly reading, listening to speakers, taking classes or attending workshops. (Can you be addicted to learning?) I just finished listening to Nutritionist Julie Daniluk, R.H.N. She is full of great information and helpful tips. She hosts The Healthy Gourmet on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) in Canada, a reality cooking show that looks at the ongoing battle between taste and nutrition. Her first best-selling book, Meals That Heal Inflammation,advises on allergy-free foods that both taste great and assist the body in the healing process. Julie has appeared on The Dr. Oz Show and is a resident expert for The Marilyn Denis Show and Reader’s Digest. Her passion is sharing juicy vitality through yoga, nutrition, and celebration. 

Along with lots of good information to keep us healthy, she shared a prayer to use before eating. I really like it and thought you might too.

I offer my heart felt gratitude for this meal and this day which you have provided. Thank you for the farmers who have created it and the cook who prepared it. I ask that you remove any pain or negativity from this food. I ask that this food be filled with healing energy and love. Let me absorb what I need and easily let go of the rest. Amen.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Big Ah-ha Moment

You know those "ah-ha" moments, when you finally get something? Something finally clicks or you receive some information and suddenly things you didn't understand or were unaware of now make perfect sense. It can even be something you may have read or heard a hundred times before but for whatever reason it usually went right through you and didn't sink in until you have a moment of clarity, and finally, you really get it this time -- you understand. It's clear now. It's like all the pieces of the puzzle finally come together and things make so much more sense. It's a good feeling!

I've had my share of these ah-ha moments and look forward to having more of them! One of the biggest of these I've had most recently, I received last year, in the Spring of 2013. I was excited going into the new year. Thirteen is my lucky number and I could feel that this was going to be a really good year for me. I knew that good things were going to happen (and they did!) but I really didn't have any idea what. I eagerly anticipated what was to come.  

Being highly intuitive, I am guided to things (and answers to questions) and I naturally (most of the time) follow where I am led. (Listen to your intuition! It's never wrong!) What's interesting is now with the internet, I am guided to things using this avenue of information as well. Who would have thought that I would have one of the biggest discoveries (or ah-ha moment) about myself that I've ever had, from the internet? Not me.

Well, one day I was just going though my personal emails and as usual, some I sent to the trash, some I saved for later, some I read. I get so many, I rarely read them all. (I sign up for lots of newsletters and such.) The ones that caught my attention, I read and then I would click on a link somewhere and read something else, then I might click on another link in there and go yet somewhere else (like being in an email vortex -- you only meant to go in for a minute to check emails & end up staying for hours!) until I ended up (don't remember how, exactly) at a self-test for adult Indigos. I'm sure it's been there for a long time. I was never aware of it. There was around 25 statements. As I read each statement, I found it interesting that all these different statements were put together because quite honestly, I had never put all these things together. They were attributes of adult Indigos. What really amazed me was that I answered yes to every single one of them. I read them again and again. Then it hit me, the biggest ah-ha ever! I am what has been labeled an adult Indigo and I had no idea until that moment. It was like getting hit over the head with a two by four. A big wave of emotion went through me. It's indescribable. It was one of those moments that seemed to be going in slow motion. I was feeling a lot of emotions all at once. It was a little overwhelming, but in a good way. And then it happened.

My maternal grandmother, whom I adore and who took care of me during the day when I was a small child (who had passed away twelve years earlier), appeared and wrapped her loving energy around me like a blanket to comfort me, to celebrate my awakening and to let me know she is here with me. That was totally unexpected but what a wonderful surprise! The immense love and joy that I was feeling in that moment is beyond words.

Now, without a doubt, I knew I was guided to this message or realization about myself; to realize Who I Really Am and all that may entail, which never stops expanding. This was just one aspect of who I am. But a biggie, none the less. And now I also knew, without a doubt, that I had my own support team on the other side as well.

Though at that moment I really didn't know much at all about Indigos, things that I've often wondered about were starting to make sense. The more research I did on Indigos, the more answers to questions I got and more pieces of the puzzle began falling into place. Memories of all the different psychic experiences I have had in my life started flooding my mind. Many I had forgotten. I found it amazing that I was reading books about adult Indigos that had not only been out for awhile, but that described me so well, even some of my personal feelings and thoughts that I have never expressed to anyone before --  it was almost freaky. How could this be? How could I not -- all this time -- know this about myself? 

I do know this: there are no coincidences and everything works in divine order. So instead of fretting over the fact that I have just now put two and two together, I am focusing on learning as much as I can and having the most fun I possibly can on my path now

This was a huge ah-ha moment for me. It changed my life. It has answered so many questions. It was sort of a home-coming -- coming home to myself, remembering more fully Who I Really Am and why I'm here. 

And as if that wasn't enough, during this same time I discovered (on the internet) a wonderful intuitive empath coach by the name of Dr. Michael R. Smith, PhD., who helped me realize that I was also empathetic or an empath (or sometimes called a Highly Sensitive Person). Again, I did a self-test/quiz, listened to Dr. Smith speak about what an empath is and what he does and again, I fit the description to a "T".  I didn't even know there was a term for what I have always experienced. Again, a lot of things I didn't understand about myself were now making much more sense to me. My self-discoveries were just beginning.

 I eventually learned that most, if not all Indigo souls are empaths. There are also people who are empaths but are not Indigos. I will be talking more about the aspects of being an empath in the future.

It all boils down to energy. We are all energy beings. Energy does not die, it only changes form. There is no such thing as "death", we only change form. We were energy before we incarnated into a body and we return to that energy with the accumulation of all we have become in this lifetime as well. We are eternal beings of light and love. Extensions of God/Source Energy/All That Is/The One.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

When the Student is Ready

I previously wrote about receiving messages in my dreams. Sometimes I have received messages while I'm awake as well, like a warning about something in the future or a message about someone. Sometimes I hear something that someone says or has written in a book that really sticks with me. It's usually a short, simple message. There have been just a few of these and they are messages of truth that seem to get etched in my mind and I keep hearing them over and over. They have been playing in my mind for so long that I usually don't remember where I originally heard them. Have you ever had those?

One of them is When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I heard this so long ago I don't remember where I heard it but it is true. When you desire to learn about something, the teacher or teachers will present themselves to you. It could be in the form of a person -- one you know or even a stranger, or it can show up in another form like a book, a program on TV, a movie or documentary, a class, an experience, an animal....the resources are endless. The key word here is desire. If it's something you desire to learn or know more about, you are in a sense, asking and the information and answers to your questions will be answered. Ask and it is given. Ask and you shall receive.The teachers will be there. The key is you have to be open to receiving and not limit your teachers or answers to one source or avenue. Try looking at everyone and everything you come in contact with throughout your day as a teacher. Be like the curious child. There is something that you can learn from everyone. Even if it's something very minute or you learn about something that you don't want so now you're more clear on what you do want, so you can focus your attention on what it is you do want. 

See the world around you as a teacher. You are the student. The student of life. The spiritual-being-having-a-human-experience student. You are here to learn and experience so you can grow, expand and evolve into the grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about who you are. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Start the New You Now

Happy New Year! Last year was great and I know that 2014 is going to be even better because it's all good and it just keeps getting better!

Are you a people-pleaser like me? Here is a great message for starting off the New Year from Doreen Virtue, another favorite author and speaker of mine. She has written many wonderful books (some I've read and some are in my pile to be read) and I was fortunate enough to be able to attend her lecture Manifesting with Angels when she came to Houston in 2001. She and her son, who is an adult Indigo like myself, designed Indigo Angel Oracle cards which I use and find very helpful.

I feel like she is talking to me in this short video as I could really relate to what she is saying and I have experienced just what she is talking about. Thanks, Doreen.

You can learn more about Doreen Virtue on her website

Even if you're not a people-pleaser or don't really relate to her message, you would still enjoy the Hay House Start the New YOU Now Ultimate Webinar where you can sign up to listen to some of the greatest speakers and authors to kick start the New Year with some serious inspiration! It's free. There are a total of 35 speakers! It's from January 11th - 17th. I'm looking forward to it. How about it? Could you use some inspiration? Start the new You now. Now is all there is.