Are You An Indigo?

Are you an adult Indigo? Not sure? Scroll down for a comprehensive list of common characteristics of adult Indigos. If you resonate to the majority or all of these characteristics, you may be an Indigo.

You might also want to check out this documentary to learn more about them. There are also some books I recommend (that I've read so far) on lndigos here . 

If you have come to this blog and you are an adult Indigo and live in the Houston area and would like to meet others like yourself, we (there are two of us so far) are looking to start a get together for adult Indigos in our area. One of the issues we deal with the most is feeling alone. Don't feel alone any more! If you are interested send me an email.

I came across a blog that was written several years ago by an Indigo and he stated he is of "the first wave" of Indigos and he was born in 1979. I don't think so! We were born in the 60s and 40s! We are considered the elders, I'm afraid. I'm not sure where some people get the idea that Indigos just started incarnating in the last 15 - 35 years or so, because they've been around since the 1700s, according to Kabir Jaffe and Ritama Davidson, authors of Indigo Adults (and other books as well). Kabir is also the founder of The Essence Training Institute, an inner work school for adult indigos. Though there was just a trickle of Indigos incarnating in the 1700s, more and more have been arriving over time until just in the last couple of decades, there are a larger number of them. So though the majority of them now are children or young adults, we elders are here too! Woohoo!

It has only been in the last 15 - 20 years or so that the Indigo phenomena gained public attention. This began because schools and parents were noticing a growing number of children who were 'different'. Kids that were highly individual, rebellious, very intelligent and didn't fit the established school system. They had unusually fast minds (sometimes labeled attention deficit disorder syndrome), a different spirit, way of relating, and a sense of who they were. A few school systems have begun to find ways to educate these new generations which are referred to as Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, or The New children. There are several books available about these newer generations as well.

Adult Indigo Characteristics

Indigo Adults have most if not all, of the following characteristics. If you resonate with most or all of these, you may be an Adult Indigo.

  • Have an inherent sense of the connected-ness to all things in the Universe (Oneness)
  • Are inspired by a vision of a better world: at peace, in balance and equalitarian
  • Are holistic in thought, seeing a bigger picture
  • Think solutions to world problems seem so obvious, so why do people make it so difficult?
  • They feel a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stumped or confused about what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
  • Have refined intelligence, often expressed in untraditional ways
  • Know that they are different and have felt so their whole lives -- as if they are "wired" differently
  • Have a sensitivity to the emotions of other people, energies or electrical objects
  • Have deep empathy; may not be able to cause pain, hunt or kill
  • Are very sensitive in all areas -- food, additives, emotional, chemical, electrical, pesticides
  • Showing or having subtle or obvious psychic/intuitive sensitivities or interest fairly young -- in or before teen years
  • Are highly intuitive -- very psychic -- can show gifts in healing, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.
  • Feeling often disturbed but not understanding why
  • Have a truth-sense into what is really going on behind appearances
  • Have unique ideals or ideas for the possibilities of love
  • Have deep empathy and compassion for people
  • Have a strong connection or are involved with animal and human rights
  • Have a strong connection with nature -- animals, trees, plants, water
  • Often feel like they have better relationships with animals than with people
  • Strongly spiritual, though not necessarily religious in the traditional sense
  • Have a questioning nature -- need to know and understand -- need to know why they are being asked to do something
  • Are very creative and enjoy making things, especially working with their hands
  • Show the full range of the emotional spectrum -- from spontaneous and instant crying to lack of expression
  • May have difficulty expressing anger constructively
  • Often prefer to do their own thing, even if it may seem more difficult
  • Are mentally and energetically very speedy; often find words and actions can't keep up with their thinking; are capable of retaining large amounts of information and memory
  • Have innate confidence and individualism (even if sometimes covered by surface insecurities)
  • Have a strong sense of ethics and justice
  • Feel like a prisoner in their own skin, as if who they really are is so much more than what they are able to live
  • Feel like they landed on the wrong planet
  • Experience great boredom or disinterest in school and rebelled inwardly or externally against homework, authority figures and school structures
  • Will often reject things, situations or people that aren't worth their time or energy
  • They rebel against systems and rules they consider dysfunctional, broken, ineffective -- ie; political, educational, relationship, medical, legal
  • Doubt and question beliefs that are commonly held, taking little for granted
  • Have a fundamentally rebellious nature
  • Are intolerant of stupidity -- behavior, actions, words, viewpoints
  • Prefer cooperative efforts, leadership positions or working alone
  • Considers freedom one of their highest values
  • Hates being controlled
  • Have trouble finding their place; don't easily fit into the normal boxes of job, identity and role
  • Are acutely aware of how messed up the world is
  • May experience depression, apathy, cynicism, or contemplated suicide -- especially in teenage/adolescent years
  • Have felt very misunderstood throughout their life
  • Have a deep longing to find others like them -- kindred spirits, soulmates, twin souls
  • May go through a period of "dark night of the soul", where they feel they have gone to "hell and back"
  • Do not hold any biases towards sexuality and gender -- may be explorative with alternative forms of sexuality
  • Had few if any, Indigo role models and support structures
  • Loves being touched and hugged -- may have been very devoid of that growing up, and now crave it
  • Random behavior or thought pattern (symptoms of ADD, ADHD, or OCD)
  • May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, starts task but never finishes
  • May often start sentences and never finish because the thought is already way ahead of the mouth
  • May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities
  • Will go through a time of awakening and seeking deeper meaning to their life and understanding about the world and how they fit in

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