Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Give the Gift of Living Water

Give the gift of a lifetime this Christmas to your loved ones including your pets (and yourself)! The gift of Sacred Structured Water is the best thing you'll ever do for yourself and your pets.

Structured water is unlike any other water you've ever had. You're familiar with all the different filters or systems available for water, I'm sure. Structured water is not filtered water. Structured water has a different molecular structure than other waters. When water is poured or run through a structured water unit (made by Natural Action Technologies), it

goes through an array of mathematically calculated geometries inside the unit. There are no moving parts. Nothing to replace. The technology employs multiple, spherical flow forms that are spaced in specific geometric patterns, which cause the water to vortex equally in all directions. When water is spun, it causes anything that is of a different density than water to separate out. And there is only one thing that is the same density of water in this world, and that is water. Because of this, everything else that is in the water becomes structured onto itself.

When water is structured, it is alive, full of energy and free of memory--  like water is meant to be. We are water. We are energy. So are the animals. 

Experience the difference of structured water and you will never drink any other water again. I've always known water was important to drink but I never liked to drink water. That all changed with structured water. I drink it all the time now. I want it. I enjoy it. I rarely drink anything else. I have never felt better in my life!  Just check out some of the things I have experienced or noticed so far after drinking and showering in it for over a year and a half now:

The water is soft
More energy
Softer, clearer skin
No dry, itchy skin in the winter
Healthier nails and hair
Clearer thinking
Scar on my knee disappeared
Better circulation
Decalcified pineal gland
Started seeing auras
Sprayed on mosquito bites stops the itching
Sprayed immediately on a burn and it stopped the pain and healed quickly
My eyesight improved significantly in mid-life (have worn glasses since elementary school)
My husband started doing things without being asked  :)
Fruits and vegetables rinsed or soaked in it stay fresher longer (less waste)
Foods or other drinks sprayed with it taste better
My mom's hair is changing from completely gray back to her natural color
Plants, the garden and trees grow like crazy
All kinds of birds have been showing up in our yard
Pets love it and choose structured water over any other water
Pets drink more and they ask for it

(and there's more!)

Discovering and buying a structured water unit is the best thing I have ever done! It's the best investment I have ever made for myself and my family -- including our pets' health. And there's nothing else to buy -- ever! No moving parts, nothing to replace. Try it for yourself! There's a 30 day satisfaction guarantee or 100% money back AND a 10 year warranty! What have you got to lose?
For a limited time you can receive a discounted price on the units along with free shipping and bonuses by clicking on this link or click on the water icon on the right side of this blog.

Monday, December 8, 2014

What is an Empath?

(Updated 6/19/20)

As I have written about before, I am an Empath. A lot of people don't know what that means so I'm always looking for helpful tools to use to help explain. In a world of over 7 billion creative beings, it's not hard to find an abundant selection, especially with today's technologies! It's more a matter of sifting through them.

In this very short video, author of The Empath’s Survival Guide, Judith Orloff MD discusses what an Empath is.

Also, I recently came across this article in OM Times about Highly Sensitive People. And they had another great article on HSPs and Empaths and explained the difference between them. Check it out here. It's on the mark.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


I signed up to receive Neale Donald Walsch's daily inspirational email messages years ago. He is the author of many books, including the Conversations with God series. I just love them. Neale is another inspiring spiritual teacher who's writings changed my life. I have most of his books, some CDs, his movie, and have seen him in person on many occasions. I can't say enough about Neale. I plan on writing a post about him later but for now, I was inspired to share today's message:

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know.... 
...that awareness is not a gift that some have and others cannot attain. Awareness is your birthright and your inheritance. You have it now. 
It is not a question of whether you have it, but of whether you are using it. All human beings have the gift of awareness Yet not all are aware that they are Aware. When you are aware that you are Aware, your experience of Awareness shifts to a new level. That is why this is being sent to you today. You called this forth, out of your own inner Awareness. This is You, waking you up. 
Today, walk in Awareness. Do so by simply choosing to do so. Allow yourself to be very aware of every person's feelings, of what fits perfectly and is 'right' in every moment, of what is wanted and needed from you as a healer and a messenger Right Here, Right Now. Walk in this Awareness, and watch your life change today. 
Your friend,
Neale Donald Walsch

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Ask and You Shall Receive

Ask and you shall receive. I'm sure you've heard that before. But do you know that it's literally true? I have lots of experiences around this subject that I could share but there is one particularly amazing experience I had at the beginning of this year -- in February, that is a perfect example of this.

This story really begins in the Spring of last year -- 2013. It was then that I heard Edwene Gains, a Unity minister, author, and owner and director of Rock Ridge Retreat Center in Valley Head, Alabama, speak about prosperity one Sunday at Unity Houston. I got warm, fuzzy feelings about her as soon as I heard her talk. Her personality and energy reminded me of my maternal grandmother, who I have always had a close connection with. She is just the kind of person you love right away. She is a great prosperity teacher. She was very inspiring and I wanted more of her so I bought her book The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity on CD.

One of the exercises (in a nutshell) she had us do was to make a list of a dozen things that we most desired, no matter how large or small. Write them in order of importance to you. Be very specific.Then we were to put a date by each item on the list as to when we would like to achieve each goal. (For instance, something like to be debt free might take longer -- years perhaps -- than say a new washer and dryer or to lose some weight.) Once you have your list of the top dozen things you desire, you are to read that list at least three times every morning and every evening, for at least thirty days. Imagine yourself achieving each goal. Be open and receptive to change. Pray daily. Don't tell others about your goals. Keep it private -- between you and God. Cross off the goals as they are achieved and continue to add new ones. There will always be new desires.

Well, in order to share my experience, I have to tell you about one of the items on my list. It's okay -- because I received it. It got crossed off the list. And the moment I recognized that I was receiving this desire on my list, I burst into tears. It was better than I could have imagined and it just got more amazing as time went along. Once you make your desires known, you have to relax, have faith, let go, and let God and get out of the way.

By the way, this particular desire at the time was twelfth on my list. I had achieved most of the others already, with the exception of the ones that would possibly take years to achieve. This item I gave a date of ten months down the line. I received it in eleven months. (My life path number in numerology is 11.)

The item on my list was a friend on a similar spiritual journey to do things with. I didn't say"new" friend, so as to leave it open to be either someone I already knew or someone I haven't met yet. I didn't have anyone in my life that I had much in common with spiritually speaking -- except for my mother. My mom and I do a lot of things together and always have, such as going to Unity of Houston and other functions, which is great. I just wanted a friend to do things with -- the kind of things I enjoyed doing. Someone I shared things in common with.

Here's where the story gets really good. Boy, was I in for a big surprise! The funny thing is, I was somewhat resistant about it to start with. You just never know how the things that you desire will manifest in your life -- in any way you can imagine and then some. You have to stay open to receiving. I didn't really imagine that the friend I was looking for would come to me in the form of a new client.

I own a pet sitting business and at the time I was not taking many new clients. I have a large client base and I am more selective if and when I take any new clients. I had gone back & forth with myself on whether or not to even take on this client but she was referred to me by another long time client. So I went to meet this new client and her pets to arrange pet sitting for a few days.

The meeting was going as they normally do... until she mentioned going to a particular town on a regular basis. Normally that would be no big deal, but she mentioned the town where my husband and I have some property. A town that not many people know about, let alone go to on a fairly regular basis. It's pretty rare for me to meet someone who knows where this town is. That was just the first thing. We kept talking and discovered we both went to Unity of Houston. She hadn't been in awhile because she had moved out of town for several years. She had just moved back into the area fairly recently.

The longer we talked, the more we discovered we had in common. We couldn't stop talking. Both of our energies were really revved up and after a short while, we had to stand up. We couldn't sit down. Talk about high vibrations! She eventually asked me if I was "metaphysical". Smiling, I said I have a degree in Parapsychic Science! Then I asked her if she knew what an Indigo was. She said there have been people who have told her she is an Indigo. It was then that it hit me.....and I broke down in tears and told her she was an answer to a prayer. (I am in tears now writing about it.) I realized she was that twelfth thing on my prosperity list that I made eleven months ago. She hugged me & after we hugged like two long lost friends, we continued chatting up a storm. All three of her pets had gathered at our feet as we stood talking. They were basking in our high energy. We talked non-stop for five hours! We totally lost track of time and it went by so fast! Never have I had a client meeting like this!

So I got a new client and a new friend that day in February. And I crossed another thing off my list. Ask and you shall receive. It really does work. I just had to learn how to tune to my desire and be open to receive.

We began going to Unity together and then to lunch afterwards, talking until it was time for dinner. I sent her information and books on Indigos and she confirmed that yes, she has all the characteristics of an Indigo like I did. We had so much to talk about. As time went on, the more we discovered we had in common. We had so much in common that it became down right freaky, so I started making a list of them all. Things such as; we've both been married twice, our first husbands were Gemini's, we don't have any children, we were the oldest of three children, we both have worn glasses since elementary school, same favorite color, both have/had a cat name Chloe. We even had been called the same nickname as children by our mothers. The list is currently at forty-six things we have in common -- some minor things, some major -- including being Indigos and Empaths. It's amazing.

As soon as I was able to tune in to receiving and allowing what I was asking for, it showed up in ways better than I could have ever imagined. Not only did I get a friend like I asked for, and she and I have so much in common and are so much alike --  it's like we are practically twins; but she is also an adult Indigo, which is the first one I've found and met in person since I awakened to being one myself. Being an Indigo wasn't on my list of criteria for a friend to do things with, so that was like icing on the cake! Wow! And not only did I get a friend that was also an Indigo -- someone that I could really relate to, but she is older than I am, which is amazing in itself, because to find one older than myself (that was also awakened) was like (to me) finding a needle in a haystack! I am so blessed! 

There are no coincidences! Ask, focus, allow and know that what you desire will be yours.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Watch the Global Premiere of Origins the Movie

From November 13th through November 22nd, watch the feature-length movie Origins for FREE from filmmaker Pedram Shojai. #OriginsFilm @Well_Org

Check out this great new documentary for free! Everyone should watch this.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Special Offer on Structured Water Units

I am now a proud affiliate of The Wellness Enterprise, a distributor for Structured Water Units, manufactured by Natural Action Technologies! Structured water is something that I am passionate about after experiencing it for myself for the first time over a year and a half ago. I have written more about it here.

In celebration, I have a special offer for you through my affiliate link here. Order your structured water unit through this link and receive 20% off the regular prices, plus four free bonuses (worth $500 retail), while supplies last. They also offer great support for any questions you may have. This is a great deal! Check it out here.

Once you experience structured water, you will never want anything else. It's unlike any other water available. There is no comparison. The structuring devices mimic nature in their design to create water as it was intended to be. Water that supports life and well-being.

Once you buy a structured water device, you never have to buy anything again! No more plastic bottles, no more water pitchers or replacement filters. There are no moving parts. Nothing to replace! Ever! There is a 30-day money back guarantee and a 10 year warranty. What have you got to lose? There is so much to gain! The animals know! They love structured water and are searching for it when they run out.

Click here to order yours now. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Global Oneness Day

Tomorrow, Oct. 24, 2014, is Global Oneness Day!  

You can join myself, others, and The Association of Global New Thought and Humanity's Team in celebrating the 5th annual Global Oneness Day by signing up for this free virtual event. There will be over 50 speakers who will be speaking about and exploring the profound realization that we are all one. (Check out all the sponsors too!) This is great. You won't want to miss it! It's all happening tomorrow -- Friday, Oct. 24th.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Certified Oneness Deeksha Giver

It's been awhile since I've posted anything. My business keeps me so busy, especially during the summer months. It's time for some time off though so I am currently taking a vacation. I spent the first day of it taking the Oneness Awakening Course. I have been doing Oneness Meditations for two years now, as well as receiving the Oneness Blessings. I had been thinking about taking the course to become a Oneness Blessing Giver (known as Oneness Deeksha Giver. Deeksha is Sanskrit and means transfer of divine energy. ) for some time but have not been able to swing it because of my schedule. Well, now I am happy to say I am a certified Oneness Deeksha Giver!

Besides people, Deeksha Blessings may be given to animals, plants, water, anything. One doesn't have to be physically present for a blessing either. They can receive them remotely as well.

In the days ahead I will be creating an alter for just this purpose. I am honored to be a vessel for Divine energy to flow through for any healing needed, as well as opening the door to higher states of consciousness and the process of Awakening into Oneness.

The Oneness Blessing is a non-denominational benediction that is a gift for all. We all come from the same Source. We    are    all    one.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Life is Magical

I had a great time at James Van Praagh's workshop last month. I was fortunate to have a friend attend with me this time, which made it all the more fun! We did a couple of exercises together but did the majority of them with other people -- people we didn't know. We knew too much about each other. 

I did the best with the same exercises as the first workshop I attended the previous year. I
improved a little on the psychometry though. This workshop was a little different than the previous one and still lots of fun. We met some really cool people too.

The biggest surprise I got was before his workshop and lecture ever began. When I first arrived the evening of the lecture, which was on a Thursday (the workshop was Friday evening and all day Saturday), I was walking through the parking lot to go get in one of the lines that had formed at the doors. A vehicle drove next to me, slowed down and rolled down the window. The woman driving leaned over the woman in the passenger seat and asked me if this was where James Van Praagh was and I answered yes.The driver was well known animal communicator Sonya Fitzpatrick! Her daughter Emma was the passenger. I got to say hello to them after the lecture. Sonya lives in The Woodlands, just outside of Houston. I have her book What the Animals Tell Me, which I just love. I used to watch her hit television series The Pet Psychic on Animal Planet when it was on.

For me personally, being stopped by animal psychic Sonya Fitzpatrick on the way to see spiritual medium James Van Praagh, was a huge deal. Why? Because there are no coincidences and communicating with animals is another passion of mine. My doctoral thesis, had I finished school, was going to be on communicating with animals. (I was about half way through getting my doctorate in Parapsychic Science when I was laid off from my job at the time and ended up creating my own business. School fell by the wayside.) The business I have owned since then -- for over twelve years now -- is a professional pet sitting business. I am passionate about animals and always have been, so it was only natural for me to work with animals. I became a pet sitter before it was a common household word. So being stopped by someone who I admire (and having read her book) and being able to meet her and her daughter and say hello in person was another one of those magical moments. Woohoo!

This is an example of the magical things that can happen when you practice the High Vibrations that this blog is about. You attract to you what your energy vibrates in concert with. Keep those vibrations high and expect miracles!

Friday, June 13, 2014

James Van Praagh is coming to Houston

My favorite medium James Van Praagh is coming to Houston again! I am so excited to be able to go to his lecture and two day workshop coming up in just a week. I went last year and had an amazing time and learned a lot about myself. This time I have a friend going with me, who is also an indigo. It is going to be tons of fun! I am really looking forward to it. It's amazing that I am able to arrange my schedule to be able to go, as this is a very busy time for my business, but when you really want something, and you line up your energy with it, it will be! And that I have a new friend to go with me this time is extra special and that she's an indigo like me, well....I couldn't ask for anything better!

His lecture, An Evening of Spirit, is designed to assist you in expanding your awareness, enhancing your ability to sense energies and learning to connect with the spirit of both departed loved ones and other helpful energetic guides. We will be learning about understanding all six senses, utilizing your intuition, enhancing and understanding your aura, interpreting signals from spirit, connecting with loved ones and spirit guides and understanding psychic protection.

The two day workshop, Awakening Your Mind to Mental and Physical Mediumship, is dedicated to transforming a person's mental, emotional and spiritual selves, bringing them into perfect harmony in order to receive the highest quality of spirit messages and insights. It will be about developing the wholeness of the medium helping the individual to be a sacred vessel by the world of Light. We will learn about the varying degrees of spirit influence and effect on one's energies and consciousness, how the trance states can enhance the development of mediumship, and a lot more!

I'm sure I'll have more interesting stories to share so stay tuned!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Past Lives

Have you ever had those Deja vu moments? It's just a quick flash of a feeling that you have been here before, or done this before or feel you know someone from somewhere; that feeling of familiarity but yet you are conscious you have not been here or done this or met them in this lifetime.

 I've experienced quite a few of these Deja vu moments beginning when I was a child. The first one I remember is when I was around 5 or 6 years old. It was not a pleasant one. I was at the beach with family and I went in the water about waist deep or so with the rest of the kids. I was only in the water a couple of minutes when something (most likely a fish) touched me and I went into a panic attack. I remember screaming and crying and feeling just terror about being in the ocean. I wanted out. A cousin rescued me and carried me to the beach. I've never been afraid of water and I love to swim but I have never liked swimming in any body of water other than a swimming pool. I don't like being on boats or ships, although I have been on both. The feeling I have has to do with the ocean, in particular. I can't handle scary movies any way, but ones that involve the ocean affect me too much. Also, I have never wanted and will never want any type of seafood, including fish. (Of course now I am a vegetarian any way, but I have never eaten seafood.) I know that all of this had to do with a past lifetime. I had no reason to feel the fear and panic that I did at 5 or 6 years old.

I've had other Deja vu moments throughout my life. Usually it's just a feeling -- yet a strong feeling -- for  just a moment; for instance, I have felt that I have been a male before. Not that I haven't been females as well, I just feel the male energy more prominent sometimes for some reason. It's not that I feel like a male now, but I can feel the energy of being male before. 

I've had certain phobias that I couldn't explain because in my current life I had no reason to have them (like being in the ocean). I've also been drawn or attracted to certain things or people like American Indians. In the early 90s I took a class on how to see auras and past lives. When I did the past life exercise known as "Faces" with two different people at different times and each not knowing about the other, they both reported seeing and described the same American Indian faces for a few of my past lives.

After one of my awakening experiences, I began receiving more feelings about a particular past life. One in which I was a male American Indian and was very close to who in my present life, is my best friend. I remembered that in our past life together, we made a pact or promise to one another; and that was whoever was to awaken to, or remember Who They Really Are, in our next incarnation together, would remind and help to awaken the other one. At that point, I began to have an overwhelming feeling like I was literally going to explode if I did not give her (my best friend) the message.-- the message of not only that I remembered this but the reminder of Who She Really Is. I made plans to make a trip out of town to visit her.

Before I ever made it there, a few more interesting things happened. I was talking to her on the phone and I felt this wave of energy come over me and I began to feel myself speaking to her, giving her some of the message I was wanting to share, while at the same time, I felt this feeling on the top of my head that is very hard to describe. It felt kind of like there was an invisible cap on my head and then it extended down the right side of my forehead and over my eye, making my eye close. I could not open my eye while this was going on. There was a force, or an energy that was forcing my eye to close. It didn't hurt or anything, I just couldn't open my eye. I continued speaking to her and after a few minutes I suddenly felt back to myself again and the feeling on my head and eye was gone. It's hard to describe. If you think this sounds weird just reading was pretty amazing experiencing it. But what really blew my socks off was what happened next.

Sometime not too long after that, I was at a Oneness Meditation. Rev. Howard Caesar and Skip Miller, a monk from the Oneness University in India, were both doing the meditation that day. They were answering questions about the awakening experience and what it was personally like for them. Rev. Caesar described what it was like for him when he experienced it, and then Skip Miller described his (two) experiences of awakening. I couldn't believe it! He described exactly what happened to me! A monk was describing to a "T" what I had experienced. And he described not just one, but both of my recent awakening experiences. Had I not been there that evening, I would have never heard him describe his experiences. It's always been like that for me my whole life; after I have an experience, I receive a confirmation of it some how, some way.

Then another amazing thing happened. One day I was driving on my way to work and suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt this intense energy of love blast me right in my heart chakra and I knew --I could feel--that it was her -- my best friend, and she was thinking loving thoughts about me. The feeling was so intense and the love was so great -- love like I have never felt before, that I was overwhelmed and began sobbing. I had to pull over and park while I sobbed from feeling such powerful and profound love. I felt it in my heart. I immediately sent a text asking if she was thinking about me & she answered back immediately....yes. She was speaking about me to someone else. I told her I could feel it. She said...good! The love I felt in that moment is hard to describe in words. It was all-encompassing, unconditional, profound, huge, intense....are some of the words that come to mind. Tears fill my eyes just recalling it. I felt it in my heart. It's love that transcends time and space....eternal love. Love is who we are.

The day I finally saw her I found out a few more things; that I had received a clairvoyant vision of her a few days prior to seeing her, and I discovered why I had this urge at the beginning of the year to suddenly start sending her daily text messages from God. She told me that when I started sending these "messages from God", she had started praying on a regular basis. I had no idea. We actually don't talk that often and we have not talked about God that much. I had just intuitively felt like I needed to send her messages from God -- inspirational and uplifting messages, reminding her of Who She Really Is(I had signed up a few years prior to receiving daily inspirational email messages from the Conversations with God books, written by Neale Donald Walsch. His books made a huge impact on my life. More on this later!) 

We spent the day together, talking...with me doing most of the talking. I had so much to share with her, I had been feeling like I was going to explode!  Our energies were vibrating so high that while we were sitting outside, we attracted a bee. Just one bee. He buzzed around her head for a minute, as if checking her out. Then he buzzed around my head for minute. Then he landed on my upper arm and stayed there for a minute or so, before flying away. This was highly unusual. I wasn't even the least bit bothered or scared of the bee for one thing. I knew it was checking us out.  I've never had a bee land on me before (unless it was stinging me!). This experience stayed on my mind and I kept wondering to myself what it was all about. I knew it was significant. Several months after this happened, I heard a spiritual teacher I had been following for some time say that bees are high vibratory beings. They are attracted to high vibrations. Then Rev. Howard Caesar more recently said bees represent immortality. In the lesson he gave for Easter this year, he told several stories involving bees and their significance related to spirituality. Wow. There are those confirmations again.

Why have I remembered (felt would be a better word) more about this particular past life than the others? I don't know. Was it the most recent past life? Maybe. I have never done past life regression. Maybe if I tried that, I would find out even more! I do know though, that I have lived many times before and for whatever reason, I mostly remember this particular past life.  I also know that my best friend in this current life is someone I was especially close to in that life and we made a pact, or a promise to each other. After experiencing the awakenings, they enabled me to remember not only making the promise, but what the promise was.

Have you seen the shows on cable recently about past lives or past life regression? One show called Ghost Inside My Child is about children who remember a lot more about their recent past life than I do! These children experience severe phobias or actually re-live their (previous) death over and over in their dreams until they are able to do some healing and closure around that. These children remember details and facts that are researched and found to be accurate. Another new show is called Reincarnated: Past Lives, where people seek past life regression for some possible answers to issues they are currently having that can't be explained. The therapist asks specific questions while they are under hypnosis to get as many facts as possible, such as names, places and dates, and then has the information he gathered researched and comes up with proof that the information given was in fact true.

A few months ago Rev. Howard Caesar gave a great two part lesson on reincarnation. You can listen to it here (10/17/13). He mentioned a book he read on the subject called Many Wonderful Things. He said this book was actually out of print now. I couldn't believe it! I have that book! I read it back in 1992. My mom gave it to me for my birthday. It's a great book!

Another great book on past life regression is Many Lives, Many Masters by psychiatrist Brian Weiss, M.D. Journey of Souls by Master Hypnotherapist Michael Newton, PhD. is a good one too.

One of my favorite past life regression Hypnotherapist is Dolores CannonShe is the pioneer of past life regression hypnotherapy. She has been doing this since the 1960s! Long before most of us have ever heard of it. She blows me away! She has written many books.

Though we may shed our body -- the temporary vehicle for our Soul, we don't really die. We can't. We are beings of energy. Energy can't die. It only changes form. That's what we do when we leave our bodies. We change into a different form -- back to pure energy, where we are a sum of all that we just lived plus all that we have lived before. We are eternal beings; creative beings...beings of Love. We incarnate in bodies so we can experience, learn, create, grow and evolve into all we are created to be and there is no better place to do this than on this magnificent planet Earth....a place like no other in the universe! This is our playground to play and to create the grandest version of the greatest vision we ever held about who we are.

We have focused our energy in a physical body before and perhaps we will again. I mean we're talking about eternity here. It's just that some of us came into this current life remembering this, while most have forgotten. There are some who don't believe it. But just because you don't remember something doesn't mean it didn't happen. Most of us don't remember our birth but it happened.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

I love our magnificent Mother Earth! She provides us with everything we need! I received this beautiful meditation from Louise Hay (who I also love!) for Earth Day and wanted to share:

I Love This Marvelous Planet

An Earth Day Meditation from Louise Hay

The earth is a wise and loving mother. She provides everything we could ever need. There is water, food, air and companionship. We have an infinite variety of animals, vegetation, birds, fish and other natural wonders.

We have treated this planet very poorly, using up our valuable resources. If we continue, we will have no place to live.

I commit to lovingly taking care of and improving the quality of life in this world. My thoughts are clear and loving and concerned. I express random acts of kindness whenever I can. It is my planet, and I help to make it a better place to live.

I imagine a peaceful planet, with a clean, healthy environment for all. I see all the people on the planet opening their hearts and their minds and working together to create a world where it is safe for us to love each other. It is possible, and it begins with me.

Let’s affirm: I appreciate the beautiful world I live in.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sacred Geometry

I have been drawn to sacred geometry for some time. I have found it very intriguing and I am attracted to the symbols and shapes, some more than others, though I like them all. I came across these (two) short videos that explain sacred geometry. 

I also recently discovered beautiful sacred geometry pendants that are hand made with gems! I originally saw these at Unity of Houston's book store. (Which is one of my favorite places to shop, by the way!) The website was listed for these pendants and look what I found! These are gorgeous pieces! I fell in love at first sight. And he also has wooden crop circle pendants -- over 130 designs! These are really cool too! How unique all these pendants are!

Turns out the person selling these pendants, Samuel Kiwasz, taught sacred geometry for twelve years! And his birthday is May 10th! Three days before mine. (I have been discovering lots of people who have birthdays very close to mine lately!)

I found out that Archangel Metatron is the archangel over Indigos and sacred geometry. I noticed in Metatron's Cube, there are thirteen circles -- my lucky number! The thirteen circles are the Fruit of Life that are concealed in the ancient Flower of Life. The center of these circles are connected to each other forming Metatron's cube.  "It is this pattern that all of the “Platonic Solids” can be formed which are the building blocks of all life," says Samuel.

Galactic Butterfly

Metatron's Cube

While visiting Samuel's website, I discovered something else really, really cool that he sells: Miron Violet glassware! I LOVE it. Read about the secret of Miron Violet glass here. This is perfect for storing my aromatherapy recipes made with essential oils! I have been using cobalt blue or amber glass bottles. This violet glass beats those by far when it comes to protecting the contents inside. Read how here. There are plain water bottles and water bottles etched with sacred geometry too. How cool is that?! I've already ordered some!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What's an Empath?

Although I have been an Indigo and Empath all my life, it wasn't until early 2013 that I awakened to the fact that there were names (or labels) for what I had been experiencing. Once I realized this and did some research, many pieces of my life suddenly fit together like a puzzle. Many long standing questions were answered. Everything about myself suddenly made sense. I have always felt different. I just could never put my finger on it or name it or understand it.

What I have learned so far about Empaths is that almost all (if not all) Indigos are also Empaths, but not all Empaths are Indigos. (Learn more about Indigos here.)There are some people who are Empaths or what is called Highly Sensitive People (and who are not Indigos). "An Empath is someone who has been hard-wired from birth to perceive, and literally experience the thoughts, emotions, physical sensitivities and spiritual urges of other people," explains Dr. Michael R. Smith, Ph.D., N.C.C. An Empath is always "on" to process other people's feelings and energy. It's much more than being a highly sensitive person, and it's not limited to just emotions. Empaths are energetically sensitive and are affected by all types of energy.

From what I understand, the difference between Empaths and Highly Sensitive People (HSP) is that Empaths are more tuned into the spiritual realm than a sensitive person, though both are open and perceive and feel the energy around them. This is according to Dr. Michael R. Smith, who is a wonderful coach and teacher for Empaths and HSPs that I discovered on an on-line webinar in 2013. He is an Empath himself. He said there is a study that reported that around 20% of the total population is what's considered to be sensitive people, and he estimates from his clients over the years that about 5% of those are Empaths.

Here is a list of some characteristics of Empaths according to Dr. Smith:

  • You look at someone and just know their emotional state.
  • You can feel the energy coming at you (or being drained) from another person, especially from the eyes.
  • You have a blocked feeling in your chest or sternum, as if someone is tugging on it.
  • You tend to run away from people when stressed, rather than engage.
  • You've been called "oversensitive" or "hypersensitive".
  • You always know where danger may lurk. (Curiously, you may have avoided accidents because of this hyper-vigilance).
  • You are drawn to the tranquility of animals.
  • You are drawn to mountains, nature, the ocean -- anywhere outdoors for it's grounding effect.
  • You cannot bear violence in any form.
  • You can easily produce tears, sometimes at will.
  • You may be able to feel the physical aches & pains of others in your body (this often leads to chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, or other energy illnesses).
  • You feel better after a good, intense cry.
  • You are overwhelmed by large crowds or mobs.
  • You can sometimes feel affected by the energy of the full moon.
  • You have had spiritual or paranormal experiences that include seeing or hearing ghosts, sensing presences, and/or having intense and sometimes lucid dreams.
Empaths directly perceive energy from other people's bodies and feel it in their own bodies. We feel everything, even if we are not aware of it. When I am focused on someone, whether in person or on the phone or someone on the TV or internet (it doesn't matter), I can literally feel what they are feeling. Mostly I feel the emotions but occasionally I may feel physical things as well.  For example, a client called me once about something that I forgot to do and though she was very nice and cordial on the phone, I could actually feel her agitation and annoyance. If someone is not honest or sincere, like when someone says one thing while they are feeling something very different, I know because I feel what they feel, regardless of what they say. I don't necessarily have to be focused on someone to feel their energy either.

My beloved Australian cattle dog Einstein, who passed away at home at the age of 17 a few months ago, taught me a lot in the thirteen years I had him but I learned something amazing just before he passed away. I had been giving him some pain medication in pill form but at the very end he couldn't swallow so I gave him an inject-able pain medication and it made him nauseous. I felt terrible for making him nauseous of course, but I also felt his nausea. I physically felt it in my body. I realized at that moment that I could feel what he was physically feeling. My empathic abilities extend to the animals. Also, the moment he died, I was in my office just a few feet away and I felt his energy come in the room and guide me out to where his body was and I saw that he just passed away. I had just checked on him five or ten minutes prior. I could feel Einstein as energy after he left his body. He got my attention and led me to see he had just left his body. He was free! 

Empaths are connected to their intuition, good listeners, very emotional and we feel very deeply. We experience emotions for unknown reasons and we cry easily. We are sensitive to our surroundings. We typically avoid places like malls, shopping centers and anywhere there might be chaos or negative energy. Lower vibrations drain us. I am really sensitive to violence and any other negativity on the TV, radio or otherwise. Considering we are bombarded with violence and negativity, the world can be a pretty painful place for an Empath. This is why it's common for Empaths to have addictions. We have to learn to discharge lower vibratory energy "crud" that we pick up over our lifetime that collects in our aura (energy body). If not, we can become sick. 

Trauma is associated with being an Empath, and according to Dr. Smith, occurs in about 50% of us and may have actually enhanced our energetic perception. We cannot change the fact that we are Empaths. "It is akin to your eye color", says Dr. Smith. It's not something that is teachable and you can't learn it. You either are or you aren't. It's a gift but can feel like a curse. We have to learn how to manage and adapt to our energetic sensitivity and that's what I have been working on and continue to work on. Dr. Smith has great tips on how to develop inner power and energetic balance so we can become empowered Empaths. We are fortunate to have someone like Dr. Smith to help us! If you or someone you know is an Empath or a HSP and would like more information, you can visit his website here.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Near Death Experiences

For the last twenty-eight years I have read every book about near-death experiences and the study of them that I could get my hands on and still do. I have seen the different documentaries that have come out over the years as well. I have personally met people who have had such experiences and one later wrote a book about it. One of the newest books out is by Dr. Eben Alexander, called Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife and it's great. What's interesting about this case is the fact that he's a brain surgeon. This is the first case I've ever heard about that involved this type of doctor. More and more people are coming back from the other side to tell their stories.

But out of all the cases I've read or heard about -- and they are all amazing, uplifting and inspiring, Anita Moorjani's will blow your socks off!  I read her book Dying to be Me and oh, is it good! It is very well written. You will not be able to put it down. I came across this 18 minute video on You Tube where she is describing her experience and telling you what she learned. I loved the analogy she used of what it's like after returning from her experience.  Awesome! Check it out! If you haven't already, you will want to read her book.  :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Do What You Love to Do

Another one of the messages that has been etched in my mind for some time that I'd like to share is: Do what you love and the money will come. Again, I don't remember where I first heard this statement. Maybe you've heard it. It's true. 

I was not one of those kids that always knew what they wanted to be when they grew up. In fact, I was well into my adulthood before I ever really figured out what I really loved or had a passion about. There were several things that I was interested in, but I'm talking about things that really excite you, get your energy flowing...things you love doing that bring you joy. 

I have always loved animals and I've had pets since I was a young child. I started with hamsters and got my first dog at the age of ten and my first cat when I was twelve. I was pretty responsible for my age and took good care of them and trained them myself.  I never really imagined myself doing anything with animals when I grew up, other than living with them of course. The only vocation relating to animals (pets) I was aware of back then was a veterinarian and I just don't have what it takes to do that. I'm too squeamish. I knew that wasn't for me.

So I've had my share of jobs since I began working at the age of sixteen, trying to figure out what I liked doing best. Most of them I enjoyed for awhile but would get tired of them. They were all just ways to "make a living" so I could pay the bills. Some I liked more than others but they all gave me good experience in one way or another. 

I had never heard of a pet sitter until I was in my thirties and needed one myself. I asked my vet's office if they knew of anyone and one of the male technicians who worked there did pet sitting on the side in addition to going to college to become a veterinarian himself. I hired him for the weekend. It was a huge relief not to worry about our pets. That is what first planted the seed in my head of a new and different possibility that I hadn't thought of before. (The term pet sitter was not a household word at the time.) I now had the thought "wouldn't it be cool to take care of pets 'for a living' -- in that way -- as a pet sitter?" I mean, that would be right up my alley. Taking care of and being around pets comes naturally to me. It's something I have always loved doing since I was a young child. The idea of being a professional pet sitter had never occurred to me before then.

It was just an idea at first. You know, one of those things you day dream about. At the time, I had a job that I had been at for six years. I was very comfortable. I had a good salary and benefits-- security. I wasn't going to leave my comfort zone. Even if it was getting boring. So guess what happened? Yep! I got laid-off. For those of us that drag our feet sometimes, the universe will help give us a little kick in the butt!

Now I had the perfect opportunity to make that dream come true. I did research on pet sitting as a professional business. There were actually a couple of good books out on the subject that were very helpful. I got all my ducks in a row and never looked back. It was something that was easy for me to sell because it was a great service that I believed in and not only was it a great service to others but I have fun doing it. 

That is the way it's meant to be! We are meant to have fun! It's not about hard work, struggle or doing things you may not  want to do like we may have been led to believe. It's about doing what you love to do and having fun doing it. Joy is our natural state of being. That's why we are always seeking things that make us happy. And I'm here to tell you that you can do what you love and the money will come! I have a successful professional pet sitting business that is celebrating its twelfth anniversary this year.

Stay focused and have faith -- the universe is on your side!

"Your choices shape your life. You are the artist. Your life is the canvas. Intention is your paintbrush."   ~ Mary Mannin Morrissey

I came across this trailer of the movie Finding Joe. It's just what I am talking about!

Finding Joe - Trailer V.7 from pat solomon on Vimeo.