Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Do What You Love to Do

Another one of the messages that has been etched in my mind for some time that I'd like to share is: Do what you love and the money will come. Again, I don't remember where I first heard this statement. Maybe you've heard it. It's true. 

I was not one of those kids that always knew what they wanted to be when they grew up. In fact, I was well into my adulthood before I ever really figured out what I really loved or had a passion about. There were several things that I was interested in, but I'm talking about things that really excite you, get your energy flowing...things you love doing that bring you joy. 

I have always loved animals and I've had pets since I was a young child. I started with hamsters and got my first dog at the age of ten and my first cat when I was twelve. I was pretty responsible for my age and took good care of them and trained them myself.  I never really imagined myself doing anything with animals when I grew up, other than living with them of course. The only vocation relating to animals (pets) I was aware of back then was a veterinarian and I just don't have what it takes to do that. I'm too squeamish. I knew that wasn't for me.

So I've had my share of jobs since I began working at the age of sixteen, trying to figure out what I liked doing best. Most of them I enjoyed for awhile but would get tired of them. They were all just ways to "make a living" so I could pay the bills. Some I liked more than others but they all gave me good experience in one way or another. 

I had never heard of a pet sitter until I was in my thirties and needed one myself. I asked my vet's office if they knew of anyone and one of the male technicians who worked there did pet sitting on the side in addition to going to college to become a veterinarian himself. I hired him for the weekend. It was a huge relief not to worry about our pets. That is what first planted the seed in my head of a new and different possibility that I hadn't thought of before. (The term pet sitter was not a household word at the time.) I now had the thought "wouldn't it be cool to take care of pets 'for a living' -- in that way -- as a pet sitter?" I mean, that would be right up my alley. Taking care of and being around pets comes naturally to me. It's something I have always loved doing since I was a young child. The idea of being a professional pet sitter had never occurred to me before then.

It was just an idea at first. You know, one of those things you day dream about. At the time, I had a job that I had been at for six years. I was very comfortable. I had a good salary and benefits-- security. I wasn't going to leave my comfort zone. Even if it was getting boring. So guess what happened? Yep! I got laid-off. For those of us that drag our feet sometimes, the universe will help give us a little kick in the butt!

Now I had the perfect opportunity to make that dream come true. I did research on pet sitting as a professional business. There were actually a couple of good books out on the subject that were very helpful. I got all my ducks in a row and never looked back. It was something that was easy for me to sell because it was a great service that I believed in and not only was it a great service to others but I have fun doing it. 

That is the way it's meant to be! We are meant to have fun! It's not about hard work, struggle or doing things you may not  want to do like we may have been led to believe. It's about doing what you love to do and having fun doing it. Joy is our natural state of being. That's why we are always seeking things that make us happy. And I'm here to tell you that you can do what you love and the money will come! I have a successful professional pet sitting business that is celebrating its twelfth anniversary this year.

Stay focused and have faith -- the universe is on your side!

"Your choices shape your life. You are the artist. Your life is the canvas. Intention is your paintbrush."   ~ Mary Mannin Morrissey

I came across this trailer of the movie Finding Joe. It's just what I am talking about!

Finding Joe - Trailer V.7 from pat solomon on Vimeo.

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