"Oneness is not a one-stop destination; but a never ending unfoldment." - Sri Amma Bhagavan
Sometime in early 2012 I began going to Oneness Meditations that had just begun being offered at Unity Church, where I have been going for around thirty years. I have meditated on my own on and off over the years and there have been periods of time where I would go without meditating. I would get caught up in the busy, every day physical life for awhile until I came back around to getting in touch with my inner self and start meditating regularly again. The last couple of years I began to crave that time alone, going deep within. I was meditating more often but sometimes finding quiet time alone was challenging (running a home based business with eight pets under foot), so when the opportunity arose to experience these Oneness Meditations, which were being held in my favorite place at Unity Church -- the pyramid, I was excited.
What is this Oneness Meditation (OM) all about? It's a phenomenon that is here on our planet to help humanity awaken and flower in consciousness. It helps and empowers you along your spiritual path. It's about utilizing divine consciousness. Flowing through the eyes of the Oneness Meditator, OM creates a neurobiological shift that naturally accelerates the Awakening process. What is a neurobiological shift? The Oneness experience balances energy from (overactive) thinking centers of the brain to the (under active) frontal lobe calming centers. This ‘re wiring’ of the brain enables the senses to become free from the interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind’s interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying feelings of joy, inner peace, connection and Oneness.
The Oneness University in India began offering this new program called Oneness Meditation, which is a powerful, direct transfer of Divine energies. It began in the East around the 1980's or 90's and moved West around the year 2000 (approx.).This special, sacred blessing stems from ancient times when students studied with masters for years and years in order to receive such a transmission for higher states of awareness, for Awakening. There are over 4,000 Oneness Trainers worldwide, and only 51 have been initiated to offer the OM. Rev. Howard Caesar at Unity Church in Houston is one of the 51.
There are three very powerful intentions that naturally occur in this Oneness Meditation transmission: One is it strengthens your bond, your relationship with your Divine, Spirit, God, however you relate to that. Second is that it brings freedom from your chattering mind. (Yay!) The third one occurs naturally when you strengthen your bond with your Divine and when the mind chatter quiets. The Authentic You begins to shine and You become present in the moment and experience the fullness of Life as it truly is.
The OM giver may be giddy as waves of blissful Divine energies stream through his or her eyes. This is perfectly natural for anyone deeply absorbed in this level of Divine consciousness. This blissful state can be quite contagious; many who experience the OM find themselves bursting into laughter or even tears of joy and gratitude. I have experienced three other OM givers besides Rev. Howard Caesar; two monks from the Oneness University in India -- Doug Bentley and Skip Miller and Anette Carlstrom, who all came to Unity Houston. One of the monks was quite giddy. There are some people who experience uncontrollable laughter or crying during the meditation. These expressions are normal and expected when strong energies begin to flow in a room. Some people may have a more subtle experience and some people may not really notice anything right away. For each individual, the experience is unique though many people may experience some of the same effects or types of experiences.
I didn't notice anything right away other than a deep peacefulness. My experience has been more subtle with a few exceptions. It's hard to describe because it is so subtle and from what I understand, it's also accumulative. I started changing and things started happening gradually -- little by little. I started feeling more calm and peaceful. The mind chatter stopped. I felt more present and clear than I've ever felt. I started having spontaneous moments of feeling pure love and joy so profound I couldn't contain it and I would burst into tears. (My eyes well up with tears just talking about it.) I started taking better care of myself. I stopped smoking -- an addiction I had for 35 years. (Whoa!) I started loving myself more, putting myself first (for a change) and taking better care of myself. I became a vegetarian. A feeling of connected-ness replaced any feelings of separateness. I started having flashes of insights about myself and remembering things; experiences I had long forgotten and even bits and pieces from a past life. Experiences I had throughout my life began making sense in a way like never before. I was able to see my life from a broader perspective now. I also began having more psychic experiences (not that everyone will -- but it is possible!). The best thing is that these OMs gave me back to myself and I started remembering Who I Really Am, which is the greatest gift of all!

The first time was one morning when I woke up, I felt really groggy and tired and I had this physical feeling on my head. I noticed it because it was an unusual feeling. It's hard to describe other than to say it felt like as if I had a tight fitting cap on. It didn't hurt. I just noticed it and wondered what it was about. The second time was even more unforgettable. I was on the phone with my best friend who I remembered (or felt would be a better word-- as I feel everything!) I had a close relationship with in a past life, (more on this later) when I felt this surge of energy run through me and words just starting spilling out of my mouth and while I was speaking I felt something come down the top of my head, down the right side of my face (sort of like as if someone cracked an egg on your head and it was slowly oozing down the side of your face) and it continued down over my right eye, forcing it shut. My eye was fluttering to stay open but it couldn't. I couldn't open my eye for a moment or two while I continued to speak, though I wasn't worried or concerned in any way. After a few moments, my eye was able to open again, the feeling on my head went away and I felt like I was back to myself. Now if this doesn't sound weird enough....then to have someone else -- a monk -- describe the same thing as happening to him (minus the words spilling out)! Whoa. Amazing. With God, all things are possible.
The Oneness Meditation is for everyone. It is secular and given in silence (with beautiful music playing). There is no requirement. It doesn't matter what background or faith or religion (or not). There is nothing for you to do other than receive the blessing. People from all walks of life are experiencing dramatic changes and improvements in their lives.
In listening to a discussion about the Oneness phenomena last year, a Oneness Blessing Giver (see part two) said as of August 2012, 70,000 people around the world were awakened. In 2013 (at the time of this discussion) over 600,000 people were awakened. As of this writing, according to the website, over 1,708,000 people have experienced awakening. Wow. What's really cool is that each individual who awakens to their true, original state has an inter-connected effect on the whole, thus assisting humanity on the path to complete Global Transformation. The more people attain the Oneness state, the easier it will be for the rest.
Last I heard, Rev. Howard Caesar has the largest Oneness group in the U.S.-- Oneness Houston. You can also see pictures of an OM in progress in the pyramid here.
To find Oneness Meditations in your area click here.
You can also sign up to receive weekly live webcasts of Oneness Meditations, of which sometimes Rev. Caesar will be the giver -- from the comfort of your own home! How cool is that?! It works just as well on a webcast as it does in person. (There is no time or space when it comes to Divine energy.) Click here to sign up and start receiving your blessings. It's free.
You can also receive Oneness Blessings (also known as Deeksha) -- which are different than Oneness Meditations, on the webcasts or in person at a location near you. I'll discuss the Oneness Blessings in part two.
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