Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Big Ah-ha Moment

You know those "ah-ha" moments, when you finally get something? Something finally clicks or you receive some information and suddenly things you didn't understand or were unaware of now make perfect sense. It can even be something you may have read or heard a hundred times before but for whatever reason it usually went right through you and didn't sink in until you have a moment of clarity, and finally, you really get it this time -- you understand. It's clear now. It's like all the pieces of the puzzle finally come together and things make so much more sense. It's a good feeling!

I've had my share of these ah-ha moments and look forward to having more of them! One of the biggest of these I've had most recently, I received last year, in the Spring of 2013. I was excited going into the new year. Thirteen is my lucky number and I could feel that this was going to be a really good year for me. I knew that good things were going to happen (and they did!) but I really didn't have any idea what. I eagerly anticipated what was to come.  

Being highly intuitive, I am guided to things (and answers to questions) and I naturally (most of the time) follow where I am led. (Listen to your intuition! It's never wrong!) What's interesting is now with the internet, I am guided to things using this avenue of information as well. Who would have thought that I would have one of the biggest discoveries (or ah-ha moment) about myself that I've ever had, from the internet? Not me.

Well, one day I was just going though my personal emails and as usual, some I sent to the trash, some I saved for later, some I read. I get so many, I rarely read them all. (I sign up for lots of newsletters and such.) The ones that caught my attention, I read and then I would click on a link somewhere and read something else, then I might click on another link in there and go yet somewhere else (like being in an email vortex -- you only meant to go in for a minute to check emails & end up staying for hours!) until I ended up (don't remember how, exactly) at a self-test for adult Indigos. I'm sure it's been there for a long time. I was never aware of it. There was around 25 statements. As I read each statement, I found it interesting that all these different statements were put together because quite honestly, I had never put all these things together. They were attributes of adult Indigos. What really amazed me was that I answered yes to every single one of them. I read them again and again. Then it hit me, the biggest ah-ha ever! I am what has been labeled an adult Indigo and I had no idea until that moment. It was like getting hit over the head with a two by four. A big wave of emotion went through me. It's indescribable. It was one of those moments that seemed to be going in slow motion. I was feeling a lot of emotions all at once. It was a little overwhelming, but in a good way. And then it happened.

My maternal grandmother, whom I adore and who took care of me during the day when I was a small child (who had passed away twelve years earlier), appeared and wrapped her loving energy around me like a blanket to comfort me, to celebrate my awakening and to let me know she is here with me. That was totally unexpected but what a wonderful surprise! The immense love and joy that I was feeling in that moment is beyond words.

Now, without a doubt, I knew I was guided to this message or realization about myself; to realize Who I Really Am and all that may entail, which never stops expanding. This was just one aspect of who I am. But a biggie, none the less. And now I also knew, without a doubt, that I had my own support team on the other side as well.

Though at that moment I really didn't know much at all about Indigos, things that I've often wondered about were starting to make sense. The more research I did on Indigos, the more answers to questions I got and more pieces of the puzzle began falling into place. Memories of all the different psychic experiences I have had in my life started flooding my mind. Many I had forgotten. I found it amazing that I was reading books about adult Indigos that had not only been out for awhile, but that described me so well, even some of my personal feelings and thoughts that I have never expressed to anyone before --  it was almost freaky. How could this be? How could I not -- all this time -- know this about myself? 

I do know this: there are no coincidences and everything works in divine order. So instead of fretting over the fact that I have just now put two and two together, I am focusing on learning as much as I can and having the most fun I possibly can on my path now

This was a huge ah-ha moment for me. It changed my life. It has answered so many questions. It was sort of a home-coming -- coming home to myself, remembering more fully Who I Really Am and why I'm here. 

And as if that wasn't enough, during this same time I discovered (on the internet) a wonderful intuitive empath coach by the name of Dr. Michael R. Smith, PhD., who helped me realize that I was also empathetic or an empath (or sometimes called a Highly Sensitive Person). Again, I did a self-test/quiz, listened to Dr. Smith speak about what an empath is and what he does and again, I fit the description to a "T".  I didn't even know there was a term for what I have always experienced. Again, a lot of things I didn't understand about myself were now making much more sense to me. My self-discoveries were just beginning.

 I eventually learned that most, if not all Indigo souls are empaths. There are also people who are empaths but are not Indigos. I will be talking more about the aspects of being an empath in the future.

It all boils down to energy. We are all energy beings. Energy does not die, it only changes form. There is no such thing as "death", we only change form. We were energy before we incarnated into a body and we return to that energy with the accumulation of all we have become in this lifetime as well. We are eternal beings of light and love. Extensions of God/Source Energy/All That Is/The One.

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