As I mentioned in part one, Oneness Blessings are different than Oneness Meditations. Just like the meditations, the Blessings are also a direct transfer of sacred intelligent Divine energy that initiates the process of a person's spiritual awakening. It affects a neurological shift in the brain, causes the heart to open, quiets the chatter of the mind, catalyzing the awakening of the kundalini and the balancing of the chakras. It is a benediction, a gift from the Divine, which is necessary to complete an awakening into Oneness. It opens the door to higher states of consciousness. It is one way that the Divine reaches out to humankind, to assist in the current evolutionary process. It will generally start with a meditation to create a sacred space and increase the energy. This will be followed by blessings.
Experienced practitioners, referred to as Oneness Blessing Givers, transfer the divine intelligent energy by serving as a clear empty vessel for the energy to flow to the recipient. This is done by placing his or her hands onto the crown of the head, a practice referred to in scripture, usually for one or two minutes.

Again, just like with the meditations, each person's experience is unique. Some people may have strong experiences, others may have subtle or even delayed for a few days. A person may experience tingling or a blissful energy flowing through the body or maybe nothing at all. Whatever the experience, the recipient can trust that the process of Oneness has begun, designed by Divine Grace, to lead the individual gradually into their own Awakening. The effects are cumulative and can enhance physical healing, promote inner peace, well-being, and feelings of joy and Oneness.
Oneness Blessings are currently being given every day, all over the world; people of all nationalities, religions, and spiritual beliefs. It is a non-denominational benediction that is a gift for all. It is offered a few times a week at Unity Houston, where I go -- including right after the services. It only takes a couple of minutes. I have been receiving these blessings in addition to doing the meditations. I believe the accumulation of both are what led to my experiences as I described in part one.
I also know that ministers, as well as other leaders and millions all over the world are currently receiving the Oneness Blessing and reporting on the effects of this powerful stream of awakening energy. It can harm no one. It's impacting millions. Each individual must decide for themselves.
Our planet and all of humanity are going through a major, spiritual, evolutionary transformation. It's an amazing time right now. Barbara Marx Hubbard calls it a birthing of a new humanity. It's impacting our environment, social structures, and our individual and collective consciousness. It's obvious that the polarizing energies that divide and separate are significant. The Oneness Blessing and its energies seem to have risen to the surface at this time to counterbalance and overcome these energies in the interest of healing through Oneness. Won't you enter the process that can awaken and heal you as well as the world?
For more information or to find where you can receive Oneness Blessings in your area:
Oneness University
Oneness USA (lists where available in your area)
Oneness Houston
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