Ask and you shall receive. I'm sure you've heard that before. But do you know that it's literally true? I have lots of experiences around this subject that I could share but there is one particularly amazing experience I had at the beginning of this year -- in February, that is a perfect example of this.
This story really begins in the Spring of last year -- 2013. It was then that I heard Edwene Gains, a Unity minister, author, and owner and director of Rock Ridge Retreat Center in Valley Head, Alabama, speak about prosperity one Sunday at Unity Houston. I got warm, fuzzy feelings about her as soon as I heard her talk. Her personality and energy reminded me of my maternal grandmother, who I have always had a close connection with. She is just the kind of person you love right away. She is a great prosperity teacher. She was very inspiring and I wanted more of her so I bought her book The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity on CD.

Well, in order to share my experience, I have to tell you about one of the items on my list. It's okay -- because I received it. It got crossed off the list. And the moment I recognized that I was receiving this desire on my list, I burst into tears. It was better than I could have imagined and it just got more amazing as time went along. Once you make your desires known, you have to relax, have faith, let go, and let God and get out of the way.
By the way, this particular desire at the time was twelfth on my list. I had achieved most of the others already, with the exception of the ones that would possibly take years to achieve. This item I gave a date of ten months down the line. I received it in eleven months. (My life path number in numerology is 11.)

The item on my list was a friend on a similar spiritual journey to do things with. I didn't say"new" friend, so as to leave it open to be either someone I already knew or someone I haven't met yet. I didn't have anyone in my life that I had much in common with spiritually speaking -- except for my mother. My mom and I do a lot of things together and always have, such as going to Unity of Houston and other functions, which is great. I just wanted a friend to do things with -- the kind of things I enjoyed doing. Someone I shared things in common with.
Here's where the story gets really good. Boy, was I in for a big surprise! The funny thing is, I was somewhat resistant about it to start with. You just never know how the things that you desire will manifest in your life -- in any way you can imagine and then some. You have to stay open to receiving. I didn't really imagine that the friend I was looking for would come to me in the form of a new client.
I own a pet sitting business and at the time I was not taking many new clients. I have a large client base and I am more selective if and when I take any new clients. I had gone back & forth with myself on whether or not to even take on this client but she was referred to me by another long time client. So I went to meet this new client and her pets to arrange pet sitting for a few days.
The meeting was going as they normally do... until she mentioned going to a particular town on a regular basis. Normally that would be no big deal, but she mentioned the town where my husband and I have some property. A town that not many people know about, let alone go to on a fairly regular basis. It's pretty rare for me to meet someone who knows where this town is. That was just the first thing. We kept talking and discovered we both went to Unity of Houston. She hadn't been in awhile because she had moved out of town for several years. She had just moved back into the area fairly recently.

So I got a new client and a new friend that day in February. And I crossed another thing off my list. Ask and you shall receive. It really does work. I just had to learn how to tune to my desire and be open to receive.
We began going to Unity together and then to lunch afterwards, talking until it was time for dinner. I sent her information and books on Indigos and she confirmed that yes, she has all the characteristics of an Indigo like I did. We had so much to talk about. As time went on, the more we discovered we had in common. We had so much in common that it became down right freaky, so I started making a list of them all. Things such as; we've both been married twice, our first husbands were Gemini's, we don't have any children, we were the oldest of three children, we both have worn glasses since elementary school, same favorite color, both have/had a cat name Chloe. We even had been called the same nickname as children by our mothers. The list is currently at forty-six things we have in common -- some minor things, some major -- including being Indigos and Empaths. It's amazing.
As soon as I was able to tune in to receiving and allowing what I was asking for, it showed up in ways better than I could have ever imagined. Not only did I get a friend like I asked for, and she and I have so much in common and are so much alike -- it's like we are practically twins; but she is also an adult Indigo, which is the first one I've found and met in person since I awakened to being one myself. Being an Indigo wasn't on my list of criteria for a friend to do things with, so that was like icing on the cake! Wow! And not only did I get a friend that was also an Indigo -- someone that I could really relate to, but she is older than I am, which is amazing in itself, because to find one older than myself (that was also awakened) was like (to me) finding a needle in a haystack! I am so blessed!
There are no coincidences! Ask, focus, allow and know that what you desire will be yours.
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