Have you ever had those Deja vu moments? It's just a quick flash of a feeling that you have been here before, or done this before or feel you know someone from somewhere; that feeling of familiarity but yet you are conscious you have not been here or done this or met them in this lifetime.
I've experienced quite a few of these Deja vu moments beginning when I was a child. The first one I remember is when I was around 5 or 6 years old. It was not a pleasant one. I was at the beach with family and I went in the water about waist deep or so with the rest of the kids. I was only in the water a couple of minutes when something (most likely a fish) touched me and I went into a panic attack. I remember screaming and crying and feeling just terror about being in the ocean. I wanted out. A cousin rescued me and carried me to the beach. I've never been afraid of water and I love to swim but I have never liked swimming in any body of water other than a swimming pool. I don't like being on boats or ships, although I have been on both. The feeling I have has to do with the ocean, in particular. I can't handle scary movies any way, but ones that involve the ocean affect me too much. Also, I have never wanted and will never want any type of seafood, including fish. (Of course now I am a vegetarian any way, but I have never eaten seafood.) I know that all of this had to do with a past lifetime. I had no reason to feel the fear and panic that I did at 5 or 6 years old.
I've had other Deja vu moments throughout my life. Usually it's just a feeling -- yet a strong feeling -- for just a moment; for instance, I have felt that I have been a male before. Not that I haven't been females as well, I just feel the male energy more prominent sometimes for some reason. It's not that I feel like a male now, but I can feel the energy of being male before.
I've had certain phobias that I couldn't explain because in my current life I had no reason to have them (like being in the ocean). I've also been drawn or attracted to certain things or people like American Indians. In the early 90s I took a class on how to see auras and past lives. When I did the past life exercise known as "Faces" with two different people at different times and each not knowing about the other, they both reported seeing and described the same American Indian faces for a few of my past lives.
After one of my awakening experiences, I began receiving more feelings about a particular past life. One in which I was a male American Indian and was very close to who in my present life, is my best friend. I remembered that in our past life together, we made a pact or promise to one another; and that was whoever was to awaken to, or remember Who They Really Are, in our next incarnation together, would remind and help to awaken the other one. At that point, I began to have an overwhelming feeling like I was literally going to explode if I did not give her (my best friend) the message.-- the message of not only that I remembered this but the reminder of Who She Really Is. I made plans to make a trip out of town to visit her.
Before I ever made it there, a few more interesting things happened. I was talking to her on the phone and I felt this wave of energy come over me and I began to feel myself speaking to her, giving her some of the message I was wanting to share, while at the same time, I felt this feeling on the top of my head that is very hard to describe. It felt kind of like there was an invisible cap on my head and then it extended down the right side of my forehead and over my eye, making my eye close. I could not open my eye while this was going on. There was a force, or an energy that was forcing my eye to close. It didn't hurt or anything, I just couldn't open my eye. I continued speaking to her and after a few minutes I suddenly felt back to myself again and the feeling on my head and eye was gone. It's hard to describe. If you think this sounds weird just reading it....it was pretty amazing experiencing it. But what really blew my socks off was what happened next.
Sometime not too long after that, I was at a Oneness Meditation. Rev. Howard Caesar and Skip Miller, a monk from the Oneness University in India, were both doing the meditation that day. They were answering questions about the awakening experience and what it was personally like for them. Rev. Caesar described what it was like for him when he experienced it, and then Skip Miller described his (two) experiences of awakening. I couldn't believe it! He described exactly what happened to me! A monk was describing to a "T" what I had experienced. And he described not just one, but both of my recent awakening experiences. Had I not been there that evening, I would have never heard him describe his experiences. It's always been like that for me my whole life; after I have an experience, I receive a confirmation of it some how, some way.
Then another amazing thing happened. One day I was driving on my way to work and suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt this intense energy of love blast me right in my heart chakra and I knew --I could feel--that it was her -- my best friend, and she was thinking loving thoughts about me. The feeling was so intense and the love was so great -- love like I have never felt before, that I was overwhelmed and began sobbing. I had to pull over and park while I sobbed from feeling such powerful and profound love. I felt it in my heart. I immediately sent a text asking if she was thinking about me & she answered back immediately....yes. She was speaking about me to someone else. I told her I could feel it. She said...good! The love I felt in that moment is hard to describe in words. It was all-encompassing, unconditional, profound, huge, intense....are some of the words that come to mind. Tears fill my eyes just recalling it. I felt it in my heart. It's love that transcends time and space....eternal love. Love is who we are.
The day I finally saw her I found out a few more things; that I had received a clairvoyant vision of her a few days prior to seeing her, and I discovered why I had this urge at the beginning of the year to suddenly start sending her daily text messages from God. She told me that when I started sending these "messages from God", she had started praying on a regular basis. I had no idea. We actually don't talk that often and we have not talked about God that much. I had just intuitively felt like I needed to send her messages from God -- inspirational and uplifting messages, reminding her of Who She Really Is. (I had signed up a few years prior to receiving daily inspirational email messages from the Conversations with God books, written by Neale Donald Walsch. His books made a huge impact on my life. More on this later!)
We spent the day together, talking...with me doing most of the talking. I had so much to share with her, I had been feeling like I was going to explode! Our energies were vibrating so high that while we were sitting outside, we attracted a bee. Just one bee. He buzzed around her head for a minute, as if checking her out. Then he buzzed around my head for minute. Then he landed on my upper arm and stayed there for a minute or so, before flying away. This was highly unusual. I wasn't even the least bit bothered or scared of the bee for one thing. I knew it was checking us out. I've never had a bee land on me before (unless it was stinging me!). This experience stayed on my mind and I kept wondering to myself what it was all about. I knew it was significant. Several months after this happened, I heard a spiritual teacher I had been following for some time say that bees are high vibratory beings. They are attracted to high vibrations. Then Rev. Howard Caesar more recently said bees represent immortality. In the lesson he gave for Easter this year, he told several stories involving bees and their significance related to spirituality. Wow. There are those confirmations again.

Have you seen the shows on cable recently about past lives or past life regression? One show called Ghost Inside My Child is about children who remember a lot more about their recent past life than I do! These children experience severe phobias or actually re-live their (previous) death over and over in their dreams until they are able to do some healing and closure around that. These children remember details and facts that are researched and found to be accurate. Another new show is called Reincarnated: Past Lives, where people seek past life regression for some possible answers to issues they are currently having that can't be explained. The therapist asks specific questions while they are under hypnosis to get as many facts as possible, such as names, places and dates, and then has the information he gathered researched and comes up with proof that the information given was in fact true.
A few months ago Rev. Howard Caesar gave a great two part lesson on reincarnation. You can listen to it here (10/17/13). He mentioned a book he read on the subject called Many Wonderful Things. He said this book was actually out of print now. I couldn't believe it! I have that book! I read it back in 1992. My mom gave it to me for my birthday. It's a great book!
Another great book on past life regression is Many Lives, Many Masters by psychiatrist Brian Weiss, M.D. Journey of Souls by Master Hypnotherapist Michael Newton, PhD. is a good one too.
One of my favorite past life regression Hypnotherapist is Dolores Cannon. She is the pioneer of past life regression hypnotherapy. She has been doing this since the 1960s! Long before most of us have ever heard of it. She blows me away! She has written many books.
Though we may shed our body -- the temporary vehicle for our Soul, we don't really die. We can't. We are beings of energy. Energy can't die. It only changes form. That's what we do when we leave our bodies. We change into a different form -- back to pure energy, where we are a sum of all that we just lived plus all that we have lived before. We are eternal beings; creative beings...beings of Love. We incarnate in bodies so we can experience, learn, create, grow and evolve into all we are created to be and there is no better place to do this than on this magnificent planet Earth....a place like no other in the universe! This is our playground to play and to create the grandest version of the greatest vision we ever held about who we are.
We have focused our energy in a physical body before and perhaps we will again. I mean we're talking about eternity here. It's just that some of us came into this current life remembering this, while most have forgotten. There are some who don't believe it. But just because you don't remember something doesn't mean it didn't happen. Most of us don't remember our birth but it happened.
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