Saturday, December 21, 2013
Multi-Media Meditation
I come across some of the coolest stuff! I saw this creative multi-media meditation video last year on the Birth 2012 Film Festival. I love the visuals and the music in this "prayerformance" called Cantaqua: The Aquarian Cantata, which offers a healing mythos for individual and collective transformation. Given birth at the Sacred Water Temple at the Burning Man Festival in 2007, this film is an alchemical amalgamation of inter-weaving stories being thread together through a 45-minute journey of death and resurrection. Presented in the tradition of ancient Greek theater, the storyteller is an exaggerated expression of the wounded male archetype, and is sacrificed to the will of the Water Spirit, evolution herself. He descends into Abyssus and is dissolved into nothing, where the cycle is born again—at a higher octave.
This is a video you'll want to make full screen and turn up the sound or maybe put the headphones on! Relax and do a little multi-media meditating! :)
To learn more about this video, click here.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Life is Meant to be Fun!
I am almost finished reading James Van Praagh's book Unfinished Business and boy, is it great! He has so many wonderfully incredible experiences to share. I had read two of his other books; Talking to Heaven , and Reaching to Heaven several years ago, which I also love. I have also seen him on different shows about psychics or mediums over the years. I picked up his book Unfinished Business back in April of this year when he came to Houston and I was able to see him in person for the first time. My mom, my sister-in-law and her sister and I saw him on a Friday evening for his presentation Awakening Your Mind. It was great. He is a good speaker and a lot of fun. He shared a lot about himself and about what he does. He shared some of the messages he has received from the other side over the years and he did some readings. We had a good time.
That's all I had intended to do originally -- just go to his presentation Friday evening. The next morning when I woke up however, I was spontaneously inspired to buy a ticket to his all day workshop that day. It was a rare occasion that I had the time off from work to actually attend an all-day-anything and since the occasion presented itself, I took it. I splurged on myself and took out $250 from my savings account and bought a ticket. After all, how often does an opportunity like this happen?
Well, I was in for a pleasant surprise! There is no doubt that I was meant to go. I was intuitively guided to attend this workshop. I had the best time and I learned so much about myself and I kind of shocked myself. (This happened just before I discovered that I was an adult Indigo.)
There were approximately 150 people (or more) that came to the workshop. I was pleasantly surprised at the number of men at the workshop. (I hear the ratios are improving for attendance to these types of things -- instead of it being 80/20 with women as the majority, it's grown over the last couple of decades to be more like 60/40. This is refreshing.) The energy was really good because it was full of people who were open and who wanted to be there to explore their own abilities further. Not to mention we were in my favorite high energy location -- the pyramid at Unity of Houston. After doing a meditation we were paired up with others, sometimes just one person, sometimes with three other people and we did a lot of different exercises. Exercises to do with the different "clairs", like feeling or seeing auras, psychometry, etc. There were many gifted people attending, including several who did such things professionally. A woman I was paired up with was good at feeling my aura energy. First thing she felt was that I had a lot of strong energy coming out of my sixth chakra (or third eye). She could also feel where I had most recently had some pain, which was now on the mend. As we would do each exercise, James would ask by a raise of hands who "got something" and also if there was anyone who didn't get anything. I noticed there was only one or two people (sometimes) who would raise their hand that they did not receive anything at all during the exercises. Most everyone was receiving information, or getting "hits".
As I "warmed up" throughout the day doing the different exercises, (plus doing the meditation) I was pretty relaxed by the time we did the one that gave me a pleasant surprise. We were put into groups of four. I had three other women in my group (who I had never met before). One was in my age group and the other two were younger, probably in their twenties. This exercise was where we each took a turn being the psychic and the other three were the client. Each client was to give a person's first name, their relationship to the client, and the manor in which this person died, to the psychic who was to see if they could retrieve at least three pieces of information or facts about the person (who had crossed over). The client was to just answer yes or no to confirm these pieces of information we would receive. When it was my turn to be the psychic, as each of the women said the name of the person, how they were related and how they died, these people appeared in my third eye. I was able to pick up at least three specific pieces of information or facts about each of them and each client in turn, responded in a confirming "yes" every time. Whoa. Things like what their favorite color was, what they really liked doing or what kind of person they were -- the energy about them. One of them came in really strong. It was one of the younger women's father. I saw him clearly; a big, tall man and he was wearing an army uniform -- hat and all. I could sense that he had been a loving father to his children. The other young lady who was in my group told me her grandmother's name and I saw her at her home, during the holidays, serving food to all her brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren, etc. The house was really full of people. She was happy, wearing a flower print dress with an apron, making sure everyone was taken care of. Full of love. Everyone would gather at her house during the holidays and she would cook. She liked to cook.
As I was coming up with each person's information, I was getting confirmations on not just a few of my "hits" but every one of them. Although the other women got some hits, it turned out I had the best results in my group. These people who had crossed over were showing up for me pretty easily. I had never really tried that before. Of course the energy in the room, the things we did beforehand to prep and ground ourselves, etc. were of great assistance. Not to mention James' guidance!

It goes to show you that everyone can do this if you are open to it and want to, and everyone works a little differently. Everybody is a little better at one or another of the "clairs" ,as I affectionately refer to them. There was one young man who came both to the Friday night presentation and to the workshop on Saturday who was obviously very gifted in psychometry. He was sharing with us all the hits he was getting from holding someone else's ring. He was describing her living room, complete with details. Pretty impressive! (I didn't do so well in this department.)
All these abilities or "gifts" are a natural part of us. We are beings of energy after all, and all of this has to do with energy. Energy can never die. It only changes form.
Needless to say, I had the best time at this workshop and was so glad that I followed my intuition and bought a ticket at the last minute. It's something I love doing. I had so much fun, met interesting people and I learned a lot about myself. That in itself is priceless. It was an important reminder that life is meant to be fun and having fun, and being good to ourselves is a decision, a choice. And when you are having fun and expecting good things, you raise your energy vibration and then all good things follow.
Are you having fun or are you just going through the motions of the same old thing, day after day? What is fun to you? Even if you're doing something that is not particularly fun at the moment, you can make it fun. Use your imagination. Take time in your day for some fun. It does the soul wonders.
Another interesting thing I want to mention is that this fabulously fun day for me happened on none other than my favorite number and day -- the 13th! Exactly a month before my forty-ninth birthday. And within a very short time I was able to put the $250 back in my savings account!
The "Clairs",
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Harmonic Visions-Evolution
As you may have noticed by now, I like visuals! I also love music and sounds. Here is a little sample of both visual and sounds combined. It's by Jonathan Goldman. I bought the DVD and it's great. Talk about getting relaxed! If you're feeling stressed, just turn this baby on and chill! I also love his Chakra Chants CDs and listen to them frequently to balance and fine tune my chakras. Enjoy!
Sunday, December 15, 2013
What is Parapsychic Science?
Over the years, when I would tell someone that my degree was in Parapsychic Science, the majority of the time I would get a puzzled look in response (and still do). A lot of people never heard the term or are unaware of what it means or entails. I guess I had not really heard the term parapsychic science either until that day I saw the ad in a magazine. I hadn't been aware until then that getting a degree in that subject was even possible. The ad listed the topics of study for this degree program, along with others that sounded interesting too, like Metaphysics, Divinity and a few others. It really got me excited and got my energy flowing! This was just my kind of thing! I was drawn to it like a June bug to a light.
Once I discovered that this was available, I really, really wanted to take the classes. I studied and read about this type of stuff any way -- on my own, so getting a degree in it was icing on the cake. At the time, even though I really wanted to sign up for this course, I had no idea where I was going to get the money to pay for it. I needed a few thousand dollars, of which I didn't have.
Now here is a great example of how when you are following your passion, your bliss, whatever gets you excited and the energy flowing -- that something that makes your heart sing -- that the universe (God) will present you with a way. When you ask, it is given. It wasn't long after discovering this option of study, while I was wondering how I could possibly come up with the money to pay for it, that I received a letter in the mail from a previous employer. The letter stated that my retirement account with that company, of which I had been gone from for over five years at the time, wanted me to remove my money and invest it else where since I no longer worked there. I had completely forgotten about that retirement account! And it was enough money to pay for the entire degree program plus a little more! I couldn't believe it! The letter arrived at the perfect time! If you focus on what it is that you want and imagine yourself already doing or having it and remain open to receiving without worrying about the how , the Universe/Source/God will deliver!
Any way, I had to tell that story. It was by way of synchronicity that I saw that ad in a magazine and then received the money to enroll. But back to the definition of Parapsychic Science.
Parapsychic science is the unity of
contemporary science and philosophy with metaphysics to provide us with the
ability to understand and communicate with the spiritual realm. It covers many
areas of psychic science including the investigation of psychic phenomena,
extra-terrestrial activity, telepathy, near-death experiences, and
parapsychology. From angels
and auras to numerology and palmistry, parapsychic science allows students room
to explore the mysteries of life and formulate their own personal and service
oriented approach to the unknown.
Parapsychology is the science which looks at
connections between the human
mind and its environment, connections currently unexplained by our mainstream
scientific base of information. It is a branch of psychology specifically involved with the studies of paranormal
events. The parapsychologist ascertains the history, principles, and theories
behind psychic phenomena involving telepathy, clairvoyance, sensory awareness,
psychometry (psychoscopy or "psychic touch"), dermo-optic
perception, spiritual healing, auras, mediumship, and so forth. A parapsychologist can also
counsel individuals who have suffered trauma due to alien and spirit encounters
and other paranormal experiences.
The parapsychic sciences and parapsychology are very
extensive fields of study.The
following tells a little about some of the parapsychic sciences:
an energy field surrounding every person, animal, plant, and object. Auras can
be observed by those sensitive to seeing them. They contain meaningful colors
that can assist in the healing process and are also indicative of spiritual
allowing a spiritual entity to communicate with others through a medium. The
spirit can speak directly through the medium, using the medium's voice, the
spirit may speak aloud so everyone can hear (if they are sensitive or
clairaudient), or the spirit can allow the medium to translate information
given psychically.
the ability to "see" events psychically. Clairaudience is the ability
to "hear" events intuitively, and Clairsentience is the ability to
"feel" events
empathetically. Claircognizance is an extension of feeling and it means "to know with clarity," beyond the physical feeling. This is the stream that is being utilized when you proclaim "I just know." Commonly referred to as the
"clairs," they are extensions of our five senses. The two
lesser-known "clairs" are Clairaroma or Clairscent, which involves
the sense of smell, and Clairgustus or Clairsavourance, which is associated
with the sense of taste.
perception: an element of psychometry where one can "read" a person
intuitively through contact with their skin. A person who has developed their
ability to sense things about someone through touch, can get impressions
through as much as a handshake.
investigation: the study of extra-terrestrial activity. Parapsychologists often
counsel those who have suffered negative experiences from encounters and
relaying impressions and communications between the spirit world and the
physical world psychically or through the act of channeling. The medium can be
anyone or anything conducive to the transfer of such information.
tools: include tarot cards, runes, oracles, radiesthesia (dowsing), stones,
crystals, pendulums, candles, music, and color.
Psychic tools are anything that assists an intuitive in the effects of the
psychic sciences.
Psychometry: also referred to as "psychic
touch" it is the ability to obtain psychic impressions from holding an
object that someone has worn or touched. Some intuitives can also obtain
impressions from photographs.
Spiritual healing: channeling divine energy to the
recipient by direct touch, manipulation of the aura, or through stones,
crystals, music, color, and aroma.
Telepathy: sending or receiving information from one
person to another by concentrated thought. Animals, particularly our pets,
communicate with us (and each other) telepathically.
Well that should give you a good idea what it involves although this list is not inclusive.
"This course of study responds to the eternal curiosity surrounding such questions as what happens after death; what makes up the non-corporeal world; and how one utilizes various psychic tools to access one’s own inner knowing. Relying on faith and science, you, as an explorer of alternate spiritual paths, will inquire into the secrets of the universe."
Thursday, December 12, 2013
The Tapping Solution
Have you heard of or read the book The Tapping Solution yet? Also called EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique, it is a type of Meridian Tapping that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology which can help improve many aspects of your life. From pain relief, to healing childhood traumas, to clearing limiting financial beliefs, to weight loss, to fears and phobias, Tapping is proving to be a powerful, well researched and easy to learn and apply technique. People have had startling results. I have used it myself and recently watched the movie on-line for free. I highly recommend it.
Check out this great half hour interview with Bruce Lipton, PhD., a Cellular Biologist and author of the book Biology of Belief (great book!). Bruce is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. An interview you won't want to miss with lots of great information!
You can also sign up to watch the movie The Tapping Solution for free (for a limited time) on the same page by registering with your name and email.
A Planetary Birthday Party!
You're invited to a Planetary Birthday Party celebrating one year of progress in growing a global culture of Oneness. Won't you join me? It's a free on-line event with over thirty of today's most inspiring pioneers. Guaranteed to be inspiring!
WHEN: Sunday, Dec. 22, 2013
12 - 4 PM Pacific
2 - 6 PM Central
3 - 7 PM Eastern
WHERE: On-Line - Sign Up Here and watch a video from Barbara Marx Hubbard and check out the line up of great speakers and topics.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Lucid Dreaming
While I'm on the subject of dreams....
Like I said, I've had several different types of psychic dreams. After my sister died in 1986, I started having more experiences including dreams. I had several dreams in which she & I were sitting on a bench, talking. I always felt good when I woke up from these dreams but I could never remember what we talked about though, which was mildly frustrating. In 1997, on the eleventh anniversary of her death, I had a very lucid "dream". A dream I remember like it was yesterday and that I will never forget. A dream in which I was totally aware that I was in the dream state. Everything in the dream was exactly how it was in "reality" in that moment. I was in my bed, in my home, sleeping. In other words, while my physical body remained asleep, another part of me (my consciousness) sat up in bed because there was an object floating in the air at the foot of my bed. I was staring with indescribable awe and wonder at what I knew to be or represent something spiritual though I didn't understand what it was or meant. It was a pyramid, floating in mid air and it was emanating many beautiful, vibrant colors. Colors I hadn't even seen before. Like I said, I was in such a state of awe and wonder looking at this thing.....and then she appeared standing next to sister Erin. She paid me a visit to let me know she was okay. She was better than okay. I got up out of bed and stood at the foot of my bed in front of her and hugged her. This was the best gift ever!
When I was hugging her, my analytical mind knew I was in the dream state while I was having this experience and I wondered if I was going to feel her as I was hugging her or if my arms would go through her, like I was hugging the air. And that is when I woke up.
Another difference with this "dream" (which actually would be better described as a conscious experience in the dream state) compared to other dreams was the feeling I had when I woke up. (Of course being an Indigo, I feel everything.) I felt wonderful. Uplifted. Comforted. There just aren't enough words to describe how I felt. I saw my sister who died in a car accident eleven years prior. I got to hug her. I can't describe what that meant to me. And this feeling -- the feeling of being with her again -- it lasted for a long time....for weeks. What a wonderful feeling!
In receiving psychic experiences, information or meditating, you have to get out of your mind. This lucid dream I had is a great example of how I was having the greatest psychic dream/experience ever and my mind, which had to analyze, got in the way and I lost the state of consciousness I was in. I woke up that moment. I was really kicking myself in the butt for letting my analytical mind get in the way and cutting it short. But I was also so grateful for having the experience.
An interesting note is during the time I had this experience I was studying for my bachelor's degree in parapsychic science. Parapsychic Science is something I really love and am passionate about and when I discovered I could get a degree in it, well -- I just couldn't wait to tear into it. (I will talk more about this subject later.) The main reason I became so interested in it and that my path led me in that direction was because of my sister's death. Her transition was the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. To say it changed my life would be an understatement.
Another very interesting note is the pyramid. The place I had been going to (and still do) to get my spiritual or soul food is Unity Church. Though now we have a new, larger sanctuary, our sanctuary was for many years in a pyramid. The pyramid is still there and serves for other functions. I really like it. I like the energy of it. As a matter of fact, the pyramid is where I have been going to Oneness Meditations (I'll talk about this later.) and it's also where I had some incredible experiences and became aware of some gifts that I have while attending a workshop given by psychic medium James Van Praagh. (Another story for later!) I am still receiving meaning from the pyramid in my dream.
Something else that I wondered about until just recently was why did she show up (I'd been wanting it for years) on the eleventh anniversary of her passing? Why not the 10th? The 8th, 5th, or 12th? That puzzled me a little but like I mentioned before, I eventually get an answer to questions I have, particularly if they are pertaining to myself. It wasn't until this year that I realized that 11 is a master number in Numerology (more about this later). And that's because just this year, I have started studying Numerology. I have discovered it to be absolutely intriguing and incredibly accurate. (I may possibly start offering Numerology reports in the near future.)
I've always noticed numbers but never knew or heard much about Numerology. I studied Astrology in the late 1980s and have been studying Aromatherapy since the 1990s. It wasn't until this year when I heard a woman named Glynis McCants speak. She is a Numerologist and wrote a book called Glynis Has Your Number. (Great book, by the way. She makes it very simple and easy to start doing Numerology right away.) After reading her book and starting to do Numerology charts myself, I became more intrigued and am now studying Hans Decoz, who is known as the world's leading expert in Numerology. He wrote a book called Numerology: Key To Your Inner Self. (Excellent book. More detailed!) Turns out, in 1982 he began practicing numerology professionally in Houston, Texas. (He now lives in Arizona.) And his birthday is May 15th! Two days after mine.
And by the way, did I tell you there are no coincidences?
Thursday, December 5, 2013
We are One
I also get a lot of my questions answered through dreams. It's interesting that there has never been a question that I have had about myself that I have not had answered. It doesn't matter what kind of question either. Whether it was a question about changing places of employment or just curiosities like -- what is it like to die -- and everything in between -- I always get them answered. Sooner or later. Then I come up with more questions. And believe me, all I have been doing my whole life is asking questions and trying to figure out who I am and why am I here. I am an eternal student of Me, Myself and I. There is always plenty to learn.
Any way, sometimes I will have a dream in which I just get a message. It's short, simple and to the point. I wake up with a sentence or word or whatever message it is, on my mind very vividly. This particular one was literally a message on a scrolling marque. I woke up with the message so clear and strong on my mind that I had to create something to express it. I received this message in the late 1990's. I didn't have a computer yet but a friend did so I made this picture on her computer.
Like I mentioned before, there are no coincidences and here I am in 2013 going to (and have been going to since last year) Oneness Meditations and receiving Oneness Blessings (or Deekshas) and learning about the Oneness University in India. These meditations and blessings are what led to my experiences of awakenings.
The people whose books I read or I follow online or whose classes or workshops I have attended all are saying the same thing. Not to mention all the things that science is discovering about us, consciousness, the universe and how everything is all connected. It's become scientifically undeniable that we are all connected. I am tickled pink that I am witnessing spirituality and science merging. We are all of The One (God) and we are all one. We are connected with everyone and everything including the planet and the universe. We are one. We are one.
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