Friday, November 22, 2013

The "Clairs"

You've probably heard of "the sixth sense" which is what intuition is sometimes called. Intuition is the language of the spirit/soul/higher self . It is one of the major ways that your spirit communicates with you about everything, including your connection to the universe. Just about everyone can recall times when they seem to just know things like who is on the other end of the phone before you pick it up and see who it is, or you think of someone and then you see them or get a call or email from them within a very short time. Times when you just know things. This is your intuition.

We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. In other words, we are beings of energy in a physical body. We transmit and receive energy constantly whether we are aware of it or not. We are energy and energy transmitters and everything around us consists of energy as well. We are each part of a gigantic communication system and we are transmitting and receiving energy not through words, but through at least four streams of psychic expression. These are extensions of intuition, known as the four "clairs." Clair means clear or something with clarity.

Clairvoyance is an extension of our physical sight and it means "to see with clarity," beyond our physical eyes. Clairvoyance utilizes the third-eye chakra under the seven-chakra system. Clairvoyance includes spiritual visions, dreams, imagination, seeing auras, seeing angels or seeing people or animals who have passed away.

Clairaudience is an extension of our physical hearing and it means "to hear with clarity," beyond our physical ears. It includes hearing spirit voices, music, and thought telepathy, as well as comprehending spiritual laws.

Clairsentience is an extension of our physical touch and it means "to sense with clarity," beyond our five physical senses. It includes phenomena like empathy (sensing or feeling in the physical body), psychometry (receiving an impression by touching a physical object), and healing. 

Claircognizance is an extension of feeling and it means "to know with clarity," beyond the physical feeling. This is the stream that is being utilized when you proclaim "I just know." 

There are two additional, although less common "clairs." Clairaroma which is an extension of physical smell and Clairgustus which is an extension of physical taste.

Every person has a dominant "clair" and it may change over time with growth and as your intuitive understanding matures. When I was a child, my main source of information was clairsentience (feeling) and claircognizance (knowing) with clairvoyance (seeing) in third place and very little clairaudience. I wasn't aware at the time of what I was experiencing though or that most other people did not experience it.  I don't recall experiencing any of the other "clairs." As I got older, clairsentience and claircognizance are still dominant but my clairvoyance and clairaudience have become much stronger than before and I have also had an occasional clairaroma experience.

As you've probably heard before from other intuitives or psychics, everyone has these abilities within them. It's true. Most people however, are conditioned in childhood to believe that these things don't exist or aren't true (or worse). There are exceptions of course. Just like some people are born naturally being able to play the piano without effort when the rest of us have to take lessons and practice; in the same way some people are able to access these abilities with ease when others have to learn and practice. Indigos, who are highly intuitive, are developed in some or all of these extensions of intuition or "clair" abilities  but sometimes, as in my own case, they may be suppressed until later in life. 

Just like with any other muscle, we must use and exercise our "psychic" muscles in order to keep them functioning at their best and to sharpen our skills. We must get in touch with our inner self -- the part that is connected to God/Source/All That Is. We must also take good care of our health and physical body because this is the vehicle through which we not only experience life on earth  but also because it is what we use to send and receive energy while we are here. We are after all, magnificent creative beings of energy or spirit. The healthier and clearer our instruments are, the better the transmissions of energies, the better we can create what we want.

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