Friday, November 15, 2013


Namaste! After experiencing some profound spiritual experiences known as "awakenings" earlier this year, I have been over-flowing with energy and inspiration to create, share and to help remind others of who they really are -- more so now then ever before, and there is no time like the present! As a result of these awakenings, which actually cause physiological changes in the brain, I have experienced and continue to experience shifts in levels of consciousness among other things. Though the experience is difficult to describe in words,  I understand why it is called an awakening. It is as though you have been somewhat asleep -- or not fully conscious your whole life without even knowing it, and in little increments (or maybe for some it is big increments) you begin waking up and the veil  that separates this three dimensional reality from beyond --  is lifted a little at a time. You become awakened. Your perception changes. Your consciousness changes. This is not something you can learn or study to attain, I am told. It is given by the grace of God or Source or All That Is or whatever name you want to give it. 

Of course each person's experience varies as it is a very personal experience. One of the common effects among people who have this experience of awakening is the quieting of all the mental chatter that goes on in your head and the letting go of judgmental thinking. You begin to shift from a consciousness of separateness to oneness. Another common experience is having moments of feeling such profound and powerful love and joy that is beyond anything you've ever felt before. It is indescribable or ineffable. This is happening to people all over the world. 

For me, it has been the most fun and exciting time of my life. I knew it was going to be a great year and it has been better than I could ever have imagined! I am so blessed! As a result of experiencing a couple of these awakenings earlier this year, I have remembered Who I Really Am. This, is the greatest gift of all. (The energy pouring through me as I write this right now is tremendous.) 

And so, Who I Really Am has to do with the reason I came here, on earth, in this physical body -- now, at this incredible time in human evolution. One of my purposes is to help remind people of Who They Really Are. Another one is to help teach people how to better care for their pets. Not a small feat, huh? Well, I am not alone by any means and besides, do you think I would come here with such a purpose and not be given tools with which to help me accomplish this? Come on, this is Source we are talking about!   :)

In the process I am going through -- and I say process because there is no ending per se--we never stop growing and expanding and evolving -- I have been awakened to the fact that I had been denying Who I Really Am my whole life, up until now (for reasons I will discuss later), which has been 49 years. (That's a long time! H-e-l-l-o Beth?! Am I a late bloomer or what?) I didn't even consciously realize that I was denying it really  -- and that is that  I am what people have labeled (we love labels, don't we?) "Super Sensitive" or Indigos (or Crystals and Cusps). I hadn't even heard of an Indigo (let alone these other terms) until the last decade or so. It really perked my interest, naturally, when I did and I saw a book about them I wanted to get but never did. It's amazing how if you don't seem to be getting a message that you're supposed to be getting, the Universe will keep providing means for which to get it. How I finally got the message I needed to get is amazing too, but I'll save that for another time. 

What is an Indigo? The term was coined by a parapsychologist and clairvoyant in the sixties and seventies, who began seeing indigo colored auras around some children. Indigos, Crystals and Cusps are all categorized by the color of their aura. The color indigo corresponds with the sixth chakra in our energy body, also known as the third eye. Indigo Souls are highly intuitive and  have a very active third eye. In other words, they have what is labeled as (those labels again!) psychic abilities -- clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, which are the most commonly known, and clairaroma and clairgustus. (I prefer the term intuitive over psychic, myself.) Usually Indigo Souls are also what is known as empathetic or  "Empaths". (This was another h-e-l-l-o moment for me.) Empaths are people who actually can feel other people's emotions and energies. They are extra sensitive to energy and have to be careful not to take on other people's emotions, energies or even physical illnesses. Most, if not all Indigos are Empaths but not all Empaths are Indigos.

Maybe you've heard of Indigos (or Super Sensitives, Crystals or Cusps). Maybe you've read some of the books about them or have seen the documentary about them that came out in recent years. Maybe your child is one. Maybe you are one. Or maybe you know someone who is or you're just curious about them. Not all Indigos are necessarily aware that they are Indigos either. Look at me! I just became aware of the fact that I am one in mid life. But I also know there are no coincidences and so, this was how it is supposed to be. Now is the right time for me.

So long story short, due to these awakenings, I have remembered Who I Really Am and why I am here -- or at least one of the main reasons, and that is to use my gifts (each one of us has them!) to bring more light and love to the world in this important time in our human evolution. So I thought I'd start with this blog so I can share what I have learned along my path -- and continue to learn and discover, with the intention that those who will benefit from it, will be led to it. That I can accomplish what I came here to do and that is to help remind people of Who They Really Are -- magnificent, powerful beings; extensions of source energy.

I would like to mention just for the record that I was raised religion-less (of which I am grateful). In other words, with no specific religion. When someone would ask what religion I was growing up, I had no idea what to say and if I did give an answer just to give one, it had no meaning to me.  I went to a couple of Sunday school classes with my grandparents under the age of five, of which I have little to no recall. I do not consider myself religious but have respect for all religions. When I got to be an adult I did begin regularly attending a non-denominational place of meditation and prayer that my mother started attending back in the mid-eighties. A progressive place that is about inspiring you to be all that you were created to be. A place about oneness and unity. It's called Unity of Houston. This is where I have received a lot of the food for my soul, including the Oneness Blessings and Oneness Meditations, which led to my awakenings. But that's me. Everyone has their own place or whatever (or not) where they receive their "soul food" and that's perfect. And not that you even have to go any where to receive it. We are all  unique and I love that. I'm just letting you know a little of my background in this regard. To me, religions are just another category with labels of which none fit for me. I am a spiritual being having a human experience. Period.

I would also like to say that these "awakenings" and the remembering of Who I Really Am and all that entails, did not happen in an instant or over night. It has been accumulative. And it continues. We never stop expanding, if we will just allow.

I look forward to sharing the love and light that is flowing through me as I continue on my journey. 

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