Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lucid Dreaming

While I'm on the subject of dreams....

Like I said, I've had several different types of psychic dreams. After my sister died in 1986, I started having more experiences including dreams. I had several dreams in which she & I were sitting on a bench, talking. I always felt good when I woke up from these dreams but I could never remember what we talked about though, which was mildly frustrating. In 1997, on the eleventh anniversary of her death, I had a very lucid "dream". A dream I remember like it was yesterday and that I will never forget. A dream in which I was totally aware that I was in the dream state. Everything in the dream was exactly how it was in "reality" in that moment. I was in my bed, in my home, sleeping. In other words, while my physical body remained asleep, another part of me (my consciousness) sat up in bed because there was an object floating in the air at the foot of my bed. I was staring with indescribable awe and wonder at what I knew to be or represent something spiritual though I didn't understand what it was or meant. It was a pyramid, floating in mid air and it was emanating many beautiful, vibrant colors. Colors I hadn't even seen before. Like I said, I was in such a state of awe and wonder looking at this thing.....and then she appeared standing next to sister Erin. She paid me a visit to let me know she was okay. She was better than okay. I got up out of bed and stood at the foot of my bed in front of her and hugged her. This was the best gift ever!

When I was hugging her, my analytical mind knew I was in the dream state while I was having this experience and I wondered if I was going to feel her as I was hugging her or if my arms would go through her, like I was hugging the air. And that is when I woke up. 

Another difference with this "dream" (which actually would be better described as a conscious experience in the dream state) compared to other dreams was the feeling I had when I woke up. (Of course being an Indigo, I feel everything.) I felt wonderful. Uplifted. Comforted. There just aren't enough words to describe how I felt. I saw my sister who died in a car accident eleven years prior. I got to hug her. I can't describe what that meant to me. And this feeling -- the feeling of being with her again -- it lasted for a long time....for weeks. What a wonderful feeling!

In receiving psychic experiences, information or meditating, you have to get out of your mind. This lucid dream I had is a great example of how I was having the greatest psychic dream/experience ever and my mind, which had to analyze, got in the way and I lost the state of consciousness I was in. I woke up that moment. I was really kicking myself in the butt for letting my analytical mind get in the way and cutting it short. But I was also so grateful for having the experience.

An interesting note is during the time I had this experience I was studying for my bachelor's degree in parapsychic science. Parapsychic Science is something I really love and am passionate about and when I discovered I could get a degree in it, well -- I just couldn't wait to tear into it. (I will talk more about this subject later.) The main reason I became so interested in it and that my path led me in that direction was because of my sister's death. Her transition was the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. To say it changed my life would be an understatement. 

Another very interesting note is the pyramid. The place I had been going to (and still do) to get my spiritual or soul food is Unity Church. Though now we have a new, larger sanctuary, our sanctuary was for many years in a pyramid. The pyramid is still there and serves for other functions. I really like it. I like the energy of it. As a matter of fact, the pyramid is where I have been going to Oneness Meditations (I'll talk about this later.) and it's also where I had some incredible experiences and became aware of some gifts that I have while attending a workshop given by psychic medium James Van Praagh. (Another story for later!) I am still receiving meaning from the pyramid in my dream.

Something else that I wondered about until just recently was why did she show up (I'd been wanting it for years) on the eleventh anniversary of her passing? Why not the 10th? The 8th, 5th, or 12th? That puzzled me a little but like I mentioned before, I eventually get an answer to questions I have, particularly if they are pertaining to myself. It wasn't until this year that I realized that 11 is a master number in Numerology (more about this later). And that's because just this year, I have started studying Numerology. I have discovered it to be absolutely intriguing and incredibly accurate. (I may possibly start offering Numerology reports in the near future.)

I've always noticed numbers but never knew or heard much about Numerology. I studied Astrology in the late 1980s and have been studying Aromatherapy since the 1990s. It wasn't until this year when I heard a woman named Glynis McCants speak. She is a Numerologist and wrote a book called Glynis Has Your Number. (Great book, by the way. She makes it very simple and easy to start doing Numerology right away.) After reading her book and starting to do Numerology charts myself, I became more intrigued and am now studying Hans Decoz, who is known as the world's leading expert in Numerology. He wrote a book called Numerology: Key To Your Inner Self. (Excellent book. More detailed!) Turns out, in 1982 he began practicing numerology professionally in Houston, Texas. (He now lives in Arizona.) And his birthday is May 15th! Two days after mine. 

And by the way, did I tell you there are no coincidences?

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