Spectro-Chrome Therapy (Part Two)
The Experiment
First I wanted her to dowse to see what color would be for her highest good at that particular time. I had each name of the S-C colors written on separate index cards and put in envelopes so you don't know what colors are in each envelope. I laid them all out while she used her pendulum to dowse and she got a positive reading on just one of the envelopes, which was violet. So we started with violet and she knew what the color was that she was receiving this time. I didn't tell her what colors I was using after that.
Most colors she was only exposed to for just a few minutes -- like ten minutes or less. There were only a couple of colors she received closer to the full 20 minute tonation (for glass slides), one being green to balance her back out and help ground her after going through all 12 colors.
She sat facing sideways to the light instead of facing it directly, so as to not look at it to see what color the slide was, and I didn't tell her what color I was using until after she was finished describing what she was feeling and experiencing. I was steadily taking notes.
With each color, she began describing what she was feeling right away. For instance, with violet, she said it felt like a tranquilizer, she wanted to rest and sleep, very relaxing, warm and soft like velvet. She also felt her brain crackle a little and it made the hair on her arms stand up. Her synesthetic ability kicked in and she said it had a thick, like honey taste! Interesting.
She described a taste for most colors. The ones I didn't get a taste on was just because I forgot to ask, as I was furiously taking notes and being fascinated at the same time.
What was amazing was that I compared what she was describing for each color to the attributes listed for those colors in the manual Let There Be Light, and they were matching up perfectly.
She noticed that she experienced certain feelings right at the beginning of the tonation, then other feelings or sensations kicked in after a few more minutes, and then there was the eventual long term effect or feeling. Many of the colors she could literally feel penetrate through each layer of her aura, one by one. She also described feeling some colors "pop" her chakras, as they went down each one. Wow!
Though S-C Therapy is safe and without harmful side effects, I still wanted to play it safe since she is more sensitive to energies than most people, and all 12 of the colors are never given consecutively like this. This was an unusual circumstance and an experiment. Typically, no more than two or three colors or tonations are given in 24 hours, and they are spread out. And typically you wouldn't be receiving color frequencies that you don't need either. This was an energy workout for her.
With that being said, I did cut a couple of colors very short because she was having either some minor undesirable physical experiences or an intense reaction. For instance, with red it started bringing stuff up in her throat and she was getting hoarse and losing her voice. The color scarlet made her hot, hyperventilate and made all her cells vibrate, she said. With blue she immediately started twitching and she said she popped out of her body and had a hard time staying in it so I had to turn it off (and used green for grounding) as I needed her to stay in her body! Since she was young, she has been able to leave her physical body and astral travel via the astral body. Blue is a pineal gland stimulant among other things. What I’ve discovered so far is that for those who have a well-developed pineal gland, blue can assist with out of body travel.
After the experiment was over, she said the colors were like homeopathies and without side effects, unlike drugs. She was just as surprised by her reactions to the energy of each color as I was. Since then she continues to be treated with S-C Therapy when needed for various issues with great results.
This form of therapy has to do with energy -- vibrational healing. How blessed I am to have such a friend -- someone who is so sensitive as to be able to give me detailed feedback on the energies of these colors! Fantastic! I can't wait to see what else is yet to be discovered with S-C Therapy.
Kirlian Photography & the GDV Machine

Because our world is based on the physical, which is chemistry,
all of our machines and equipment are for measuring chemistry and the
physical. We just haven’t had the devices or equipment we need to measure energy!
But it is now well known that everything is energy, so I'm sure
that in the not-so-distant future there will be more tools available.
Currently there are a couple of machines that I am aware of that can read and display
the energy fields. One is Kirlian photography, which was
invented in the 1930s by Russian inventor Semyon Kirlian and his wife,
Valentina. I had my photo taken with one of these cameras twice in the
90s. (Photo on right.)
The other machine is the GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) Machine which was invented by a Russian physicist, Dr. Konstantin Korotkovon in 1985, which I mentioned in my book Structured Water: Nature's Gift. This machine is very expensive and there are only a few available worldwide. Clayton Nolte with Natural Action Technologies, inventor of the structured water devices, and my teacher on structured water for five years, has one and uses it in his research. This is how I heard about it.
Below is a photo of drops of water -- three different types -- taken with the GDV machine. Below that is the photo comparison of someone before and after drinking structured water. See how much more vibrant and full the energy field on the right is, compared to the one on the left? People who drink structured water experience at least a 10% increase in energy. (I can vouch for that!)It's all about energy! Look at the difference in the energy of these different types of water:
Natural Crystal Rainbow Therapy
This photo on the left is of our dog, who while laying on his bed, got a naturally occurring form of color therapy from the sunlight passing through a big cluster of quartz crystals I had sitting on a table in front of the window. He managed to be positioned so as to get the full rainbow of colors in a line running down the middle of his back! Natural crystal rainbow therapy!🌈😀
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