Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Attention Subscribers

 For those who get email notifications when I create a new post (which has been awhile), Goggle Blogger is discontinuing this service in July.

After July 2021, my blog feed will still continue to work, but the automated emails to my subscribers will no longer be supported.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Great Awakening

I've been wanting something to share with others that tells the larger picture about all that is going on, and has gone on for some time now, and I found something great! Someone put together this slide presentation and it is loaded with references and links for more details. It gives a good overview of the big picture. There is a ton of stuff in here!

There is a book mentioned in this slide show called Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper. I have this book. Highly recommended if you want to go deeper. I bought the book because in the beginning (2017) of Q, this book was recommended by them repeatedly via a code that someone finally figured out. (BTW -  in case you haven't yet figured out....Q is not a conspiracy. It is real. Why do you think Q(Anon) has been attacked by the main stream media like crazy?)

When you come to the part with the declassified FBI documents showing the symbols pedophiles use, pay close attention to these symbols. They display these symbols right in our faces, all the time. They are in the logos of businesses, embroidered on clothing, made into jewelry, put on children's toys, displayed on television shows, videos and more. You won't see them unless you know what to look for. This is more widespread than you know. It's worse than you can imagine. Their symbols are everywhere once you start paying attention and being aware of this. These people are sick.  Like Q said, symbols will be their downfall.

As this presentation states, we are in a war of Light verses the Dark. I'm here to shine the Light.

The Greatest Story Ever Told: The Great Awakening

Friday, April 17, 2020


Although we each awaken in our own time to the truth of who we are, why we're here, and what is really going on in the larger picture, it looks like 2020 is the year of awakening on a massive scale. (2020 vision!) This is good because the more that are awake, the better. We are in this together and as a collective we are more powerful than we know. We can do this! WWG1WGA!

Things seem really strange now with what is going on and I have a feeling it may get even more so because I believe we are now in the midst of "the storm" that our POTUS spoke about. It's not just a storm, it's a spiritual war, literally. And as strange as things may get, or as ugly as the truths are that will be eventually known to the masses, there is a very bright future once we get beyond this storm.

Recently in my research I discovered two amazing documentaries. One of them was just published on YouTube and had over 5 million views in only a few days. Out of the Shadows is a very good documentary for getting "red pilled" as they say. I'm so glad so many are watching it. (1 hr 17 min). 

(Update) This has now been censored on YouTube, but can be found on other platforms such as this   one:

And after you watch Out of the Shadows, if you are brave enough to go a little further, I found another documentary that has 10 parts to it, but each part is only 20 minutes, so easy to watch in segments. This is an another amazing compilation of information that I, as well as many others, have discovered in our research, with some things I hadn't heard before too. Listen to what we are discovering. Make up your own mind. 

Warning: This docu-series called The Fall of the Cabal may be difficult for those who are/were totally unaware of these things, but know that the last two segments are very positive and leave you with positive feelings and hope for the future. This series is on bitchute and not on YT due to censoring. (You do not have to have an account to watch.)

I highly recommend starting with part one and going all the way through in order. There is a lot in each segment that builds upon the next. You will have to scroll down to select part one and then each time go back and select the next part as they don't play in order automatically.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Healing Modalities

I am always very strongly drawn to different types of healing modalities. I have studied so many different ones over the last 20+ years, including many for my degree in para-psychic science (including the first one, believe it or not). I currently incorporate a dozen of them into my healing toolbox:

  • Nutritional Healing
  • Spectro-Chrome Therapy
  • Hydrochromopathy
  • Color Therapy
  • Aromatherapy
  • Structured Water / Gem Water Therapy
  • Structured Breathing Therapy
  • Whole-tones Music Therapy
  • Tuning Fork Vibration Therapy
  • Glyph Healing
  • Crystal Healing
  • Sacred Geometry Healing

I have written in more detail about a few of these and hopefully I'll get around to writing in more detail about the others in the near future. 

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Book for Empaths

I finally got around to reading The Empath's Survival Guide by Judith Orloff, MD, who I wrote about previously, and what a great book! Highly recommend. 

She actually breaks down Empaths into three main types - physical empaths, emotional empaths, and intuitive empaths. We may be more of one than the others or maybe have experienced all three. She also broke down the intuitive empaths into seven different types, which again, we may be more of some types than others or have traits of multiple types.

It's so nice having professionals such as doctors and therapists who are Empaths themselves coming out with helpful books, courses and information for other Empaths, such as Dr. Judith Orloff, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and Dr. Michael R. Smith.

There were a number of quotes she had throughout the book and a couple of them really spoke to me. Here's one of them :

As a child I felt myself to be all alone, and I am still, because I know things and must hint at things that others apparently know nothing of, and for the most part do not want to know. Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.

~Dr. Carl Jung

Monday, February 4, 2019

It's No Theory

Every time I see or hear someone who doesn't believe there is really a plan in place by The Deep State/Cabal to create a New World Order (NWO), a one world government, which involves taking away our rights and freedoms one at a time, and killing off a good portion of the population so we are easier to control, it is so painful. It hurts. When it's someone that is close to me, it hurts worse.

It's easier to believe a lie than to believe you've been lied to. 

From where I stand, it can be a very lonely and frustrating place watching others be totally unaware of the bigger picture that is going on in the background. But yet when I try to share some of what I've discovered I am usually met with resistance, disbelief or outright lashing out in anger, and sometimes ignored. So until it all makes its way to the surface where it cannot be denied, in whatever ways I can, I try to do my part in bringing awareness to those who are ready. The more who become awake and aware, the better.

A spiritual war is occurring -- a war between the Light and the Darkness.

Below is a list of things that have been, and continue to be done to humanity in order to create this NWO. (And this isn't all!) I got this list from David Wilcock's blog article dated April 27, 2018. Though aware of them, I had never seen all these things compiled in a list before. 

This is no theory. This is real. Think all this is coincidence? There are no coincidences. 

(For those who don't know who David Wilcock is, he is a professional lecturer, best-selling author, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is in a new movie, Above Majestic, which was just released in Oct. 2018. You can see the trailer here. This documentary is a serious "red pill" film, which I highly recommend.)

  • Fluoride in water and conventional toothpaste, which clogs the pineal gland and lowers IQ and spirituality
  • Power lines and cell towers that create cancer if you live nearby them
  • Mobile / cordless phones and headsets that bring dangerous electromagnetic fields close to the brain
  • Gasoline-powered vehicles creating carbon monoxide and other toxic atmospheric emissions
  • Aerosols sprayed by certain aircraft that add to overall pollution and toxicity
  • Pesticides like Roundup in conventional produce that attack and weaken the body
  • Aluminum in conventional underarm deodorant that causes breast cancer
  • Mercury in dental fillings that creates systemic toxicity and heavy metal poisoning
  • Chemical cocktails in cigarettes to keep workers alive until retirement age, then requiring prolonged medical care
  • Plug-in air fresheners that release toxic chemicals and trick you into ignoring mold and other household toxins
  •  Growth hormone and antibiotics in the conventional dairy and meat supply
  • Genetically-modified organisms in grain, particularly corn, soy and wheat
  • Monosodium glutamate hiding as ‘Natural Flavor,’ ‘Spices,’ ‘Hydrolyzed Extract,’ ‘Autolyzed Yeast,’ ‘Whey Protein,’ etc.
  • Preservatives such as citric acid [Pete Peterson said this is one of the most dangerous, generally unacknowledged examples]
  • Artificial proteins in wheat called “gliadin” that attack the thyroid gland, ruining energy and adding weight
  • Additives in vaccines that elevate aluminum and heavy metals to toxic levels, creating autism in children (see “Vaxxed” movie)
  • Refined sugars in conventional foods that cause excessive cravings, weight gain and diabetes (see “Fed Up” movie)
  • Fried foods, where overheated oils turn rancid and sugar and spices are used to mask the corresponding bad taste
  • Weaponized chemical cocktails in fast foods that lead to addiction, weight gain, lethargy and death
  • Alcohol as the intoxicant of choice, which attacks every cell in the body in order to produce a buzz
  • Pharmaceutical drugs such as painkillers that are actually more toxic and addictive than heroin

    I'm sure I could come up with others to add to this list. Like the 5G they want to roll out, which is a certain death sentence for all living beings -- insects, animals, people.

    These aren't coincidences or just a bunch of stupid people making stupid decisions, or just the result of greedy corporations, although that is part of it. We are being systematically poisoned - by way of food, water, air, and vaccines at the very least. This is no theory. This is reality. This is part of their plan. 

    It's up to us to do research and educate ourselves about what is really going on around us. Unfortunately, they are also trying to make this more difficult by way of censoring everything through the big tech corporations and using social media platforms for "social engineering". And if you actually still look to any of the mainstream media (MSM) for your source of information on what's really going on, you will stay uninformed and misinformed. The MSM is owned and controlled by the Deep State. The news "reporters" are just puppets being paid to read from a script and to keep us distracted from what is really going on while behaving like adult bullies.

    It is through the sharing of information with each other  -- via the internet with videos, blogs and websites, newsletters, documentaries, telesummits, online classes, or books, or conferences -- this is how we are able to share information with others, to bring awareness on many topics. 

    Have you noticed all of the documentaries that have come out just in the last four or five years? Like never before! They are usually shown online for free during certain times so as to reach as many people as possible. This is no coincidence either. This is people helping people wake up!

    There are great documentaries like the ones mentioned above in this article, and others on subjects such as cures for cancer, food and diet, agriculture, natural or alternative healing methods, vaccines, GMOs, diabetes, Alzheimer's and Dementia, cancer in pets and more. I have watched so many amazing documentaries and most was for free! You have to educate yourself.

    Awareness is everything. In order to change anything, we have to first be aware of it. The darkness has to be brought into the Light so we see it and are aware, so we can do something about it. We are the ones we've been waiting for. It's up to us.

    Monday, September 24, 2018

    Your Brain, Fluoride and Turmeric

    As I've written about previously, fluoride has a big negative impact on our health, including calcifying our pineal gland, which is related to consciousness. It affects other parts of the brain as well.

    There are things you can do to help cleanse the body and pineal gland of fluoride, and help protect you against it, like drinking Structured Water

    Another thing you can do is take Turmeric on a daily basis. Turmeric is one of the most studied herbs there is and there are so many benefits to taking Turmeric which are well known. Lots of information is available about it, including this great article from Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo dot com. 

    According to my research, Turmeric is better absorbed when taken with black pepper. This combination of Turmeric and Black Pepper is available from different sources, one being Swanson Vitamins, where I've been buying it for years. 

    Swanson Vitamins is family owned and has been in business for over 40 years. In a Consumer Lab test report several years ago, where many different brands of vitamins were tested, Swanson was found to be one of the few brands that actually contained what was claimed on the label and did not have unwanted and/or toxic ingredients in them. One has to be careful of even the brands of vitamins they buy as I've found that many I had been taking actually contained toxic ingredients that I certainly don't want to be consuming every day. The truth of the matter is, we really don't know what is in any vitamin or other supplement unless it is tested in a laboratory. This is why I recommend Swanson Vitamins.