Monday, August 6, 2018

The Pineal Gland and Fluoride

In a previous article I wrote about how fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, and the pineal gland has to do with consciousness and the "third eye". When I first discovered fluoride was a poison I stopped using dental products that contain fluoride and avoided anything that contained fluoride. I do not let dentists use any fluoride treatments on me either. This was just part of the process of cleansing my body of fluoride.

The big problem is the fluoride in the tap water, as well as bottled water. We drink it, cook with it, and shower in it. Although a doctor in the film I want you to see below suggests that the healthiest water is distilled water with some organic apple cider vinegar added for minerals, so as to avoid fluoride, I have to jump in and add this: there is a better way! A healthier way!

Structuring your water, whether it's from the tap or bottled water with a structuring unit protects you from fluoride as well as any other toxin in the water by changing the molecular structure of it. Once structured, the toxins pass right through you and come out your elimination system or sweat, causing no harm to you. Whether you have a whole house unit or a unit for the shower you can also be showering in healthy structured water. 

In addition, after consuming structured water for a period of time, it can decalcify, or cleanse, our pineal gland. This has been physically experienced by some, including myself.

Another thing about distilled water is it's energetically dead water. Not to mention it can't penetrate your cells and properly hydrate you due to it's surface tension, as I mentioned in detail in my book Structured Water: Nature's Gift. Structured water is water that is energetically alive and it is able to penetrate on a cellular level to hydrate you like never before.

Structuring is the way to go. Not to mention you will save lots of money because buying bottled water or expensive water filtration equipment is unnecessary. Structuring devices are a one time purchase and are guaranteed for 20 years and have no moving or replaceable parts. 

That being said, everyone needs to watch this new film Fluoride: Poison On Tap. You'll be amazed at what has been uncovered. A lot of information here. And remember: structuring the water protects you from any toxin in the water, including fluoride.

UPDATE 1/28/20: Unfortunately, the video that was shared here was censored and removed. Not sure with all the current censoring if one can find this above mentioned film on YT or other places any more or not.

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