This time we are currently living in calls for careful discernment unlike never before. We are being bombarded with lies, deceit, cover-ups and propaganda, as well as all the whistleblowers speaking out, wanting humanity to learn the truth of what their particular path, awareness and experience has taught them in spite of the dangers to do so. There is no doubt this a battle of good and evil, of darkness and Light. It can sometimes be challenging to know who is a good source of truth and who is not.
My Indigo/Wanderer/Starseed friend (she prefers to be referred to as a wanderer/starseed) and I were recently discussing that one of the blessings of being clairsentient, an empath and highly intuitive, is that these enhance our ability for discernment. We can typically feel whether something is true or not. We know when someone is lying and when someone is being truthful. We tune into them and can feel the energy of them and what they are saying. Even at times when we're hearing or learning of things that may be hard to believe or we wish weren't true, we can feel the integrity (or not) of what is being expressed. Not only that, we are also continuously spiritually guided to the answers of our never ending questions.
This is an amazing time -- a time like no other, as I'm sure you've heard before. We have several different things going on at once; we are experiencing the beginning of what is known as Disclosure, our planet Earth is moving into an area or "cloud" of the cosmos that is of much higher frequency, and we are and will be experiencing shifts in consciousness. This is the time Indigos, Lightworkers, Starseeds, Healers, etc. have been waiting for. This is why we came here.
If you haven't figured out by now that you cannot believe the mainstream media, may this serve as your wake-up call. All of the mainstream media, whether TV or newspapers, is controlled by only six companies (which by the way, do not have our best interests at heart). There is so much going on that is not reported and a lot of what is being reported are lies.The "alternative" journalists or news media (which is funny they are called alternative when actually they are seeking to reveal the truth and news you need to know -- the real news) that are not controlled by the elite (cabal) are all on the internet, which is harder to control -- although they are trying their best. These alternative journalists, news media and other sources are being blacklisted, sabotaged, hacked into, threatened and worse in an effort to stop them and shut them up, but it's not going to work. There are too many people already awake and who have joined in the effort to spread awareness and the truth. But the internet is a vast place and you have to use discernment in what resources are trustworthy. There are those who have an agenda and deep pockets to do everything in their power to keep you from learning the truth.

I will be the first to warn you that a lot of the truth/disclosure that is coming out and will be coming out in the months and years ahead -- that you will learn about sooner or later (unless you choose to stick your head in the sand) -- is disturbing to extremely disturbing. So much so that it is hard for some to even believe. This just shows you how asleep, programmed and kept in the dark we have been. You've heard the saying "truth is stranger than fiction"?

In order for us as a people to heal all this negative stuff, including the emotions we will be going through as we learn about these things, and to create Heaven on Earth, it all must be brought to the surface -- to the Light -- for all to see. For healing to take place, we must shine the Light upon the darkness.
In an effort to help others who may not be as internet savvy, or who may not be aware of any of the "alternative" news media, or those who may have difficulty discerning who to believe, my friend and I want to share some of the sources that we follow, go to, find helpful and feel are of truth and integrity.
There are many different sectors of news and information and this is not an inclusive list, by any means, but a good start. Some resources cover many different topics, some more specific. Copy and paste or type these websites in your browser. We will be adding more as we go along so check back.
News/Radio/Journalists (Enter The Buzzsaw)
Planetary/UFO/Disclosure/Ascension/Past Lives
Veterinary/Animal/Pet Food
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