Have you ever wished you had been given the rules to this game called Life? I know I have. In a recent Sunday lesson, Rev. Howard Caesar of Unity of Houston shared such a list. He came across this list of the rules of life and added three of his own, bringing it to a total of thirteen, my number. (insert happy face) The list is simple, yet so very profound and true:
- You will receive a body.
- You will be presented with lessons.
- There are no mistakes only lessons.
- A lesson is repeated until it is learned.
- Learning does not end.
- THERE is not better than HERE.
- Others are mirrors to you.
- What you make of your own life is up to you.
- All your answers lie within you.
- You will forget all of this.
- God is love and so are you.
- Life is meant to be good.
- God is good all the time.