You now have the chance to enter a drawing to win a FREE Natural Action Technologies Structured Water Unit. How cool is that?! This is something new they just started doing on Clayton's Classroom, the free teleclass given by Clayton Nolte, inventor of the Structured Water Units. These are the classes I have been attending for two and a half years and I still learn something new every time! I look forward to each and every class.

There will be a drawing at each class! Classes are every other Wed. , at 7 PM Central time, and last about two hours. The next class is Dec. 9th. You have to be present (on the call) to win.
For instructions on how to attend the upcoming teleclasses, as well as listen to previous classes, click here. For instructions on how to enter the drawings, please sign up to receive their newsletter which is located at the bottom of the same page. Once you sign up you will receive an email with information about the upcoming class and the instructions on how to enter the drawing will be at the bottom of it.