...have the intent, put in the effort, and then grace will take over.
I was reading a recent question and answer session with Sri Bhagavan from the Oneness University in India, and he made this statement and it really struck a cord within me. It caused me to reflect upon my own life journey and I could see how my own life gives testimony to this statement.
I think I have always had the intent of finding out who I am and what I am doing here, though it got to be much more intense and focused when my sister died in 1986. My intent to find out why she left this plane of existence, where she was now, why I was still here, and who I really am, became very, very strong.
I put forth the effort. I searched for answers from all the outside sources I could find, such as reading every book I could get my hands on regarding these subjects, attending lectures, workshops, seminars and visiting psychics; eventually earning a master's degree in parapsychic science. I went to both individual and group therapy for the majority of my first twenty-five years of life, trying to figure out who I was.
Also, more importantly, I also went within. I began asking my higher self, my intuition questions; and then listening and paying attention to the guidance. I began praying and seeking out what I call soul food on a regular, more consistent basis. I took more time out to speak to God, my angels, guides and loved ones. I made an effort to spend more time meditating not only by myself, but with a group of like-minded people on a regular basis. I routinely seek out and receive Oneness Blessings and other energy type healing from all types of healers.
I put in the effort to change my habits and my diet into healthier ones; to treat my body more like the sacred temple it is.
And then, like Sri Bhagavan says, you realize you have done all you can possibly do and you can do nothing more, so you surrender -- you genuinely surrender to The Divine and ask God to please take over. He goes on to say "but as long as you can do something you have got to do it, you should not be looking for help. Only at the point where you say I cannot do, there you will have to pray and ask for help. Then the grace will definitely come." Grace will then take over. And it does. Grace came for me in 2013 which I wrote about here. So know that if you have the intent, and put forth the effort, then grace will take over.